Members: Kyle Brenders (Chair), Jesse Stewart, Stefani Truant, Jennifer Waring
Things are moving forward for FORUM 2016. The steering committee has been in touch over the past few months and things are beginning to move.
Firstly, FORUM 2016 will take place January 14–17, 2016 in Ottawa. Much of the activity will take place at the University of Ottawa but there will also be a connection with the National Arts Centre, including a performance on January 15, 2016 that will feature a premiere of a new work by John Estacio.
The FORUM will be themed to look at the intersections between the popular and the not-so-popular worlds that many of us float between. This is a broad topic that will come into focus over the next couple months.
The beginnings of a FORUM 2016 web page are now available, including information about the steering committee.
Lastly, FORUM 2014 launched the inaugural open call for proposals. An open call for FORUM 2016 activities is in the works, and we’ll be looking for proposals from the entire new music community. The FORUM is neither an academic conference nor an arts market/showcase; it’s a hybrid that seeks to create connections for everyone working in the new music field. So start thinking outside the box, and stay tuned!
If you have any thoughts about the FORUM or would like to be a part of the Steering Committee, please contact me.
~ Kyle Brenders
Please contact Kyle Brenders for more information
Read past bulletin entries from this committee:
FORUM 2016 OTTAWA – Steering Committee Report – Dec 2014
Direct link: FORUM 2016 OTTAWA – Steering Committee Report – May 2015
Return to full Bulletin – May 2015