Welcome New Members – December 2013

Since late May 2013, CNMN’s mem­ber­ship has grown by 58 mem­bers. More mem­bers in our net­work means stronger rep­re­sen­ta­tion and con­nec­tion for our com­mu­ni­ty. We warm­ly wel­come all our new mem­bers, and we hope this marks the begin­ning of a long-last­ing and fruit­ful collaboration.

The new mem­bers are list­ed below, many of which have web sites for fur­ther infor­ma­tion. We also hope all our mem­bers get a chance to check each oth­er out – you can access a full list of mem­bers on our web site, view­able by cat­e­go­ry, region or name.

Who will be the next new member?

New Vot­ing Members

Astro­labe Musik Theatre BC http://www.astrolabemusiktheatre.com/
Jon­gleur Productions NS http://www.jeribrown.com/
Quatuor Moli­nari QC http://www.quatuormolinari.qc.ca/
Théâtre Cen­ten­ni­al / Cen­ten­ni­al Theatre QC http://www.centennialtheatre.ca/
Voca­lypse Productions NS http://www.vocalypse.ca/
Jorge Ayala ON
Marie-Hélène Breault QC
Éric Cham­pagne QC
Bruno de Chéner­illes France http://www.audiorama.org/
Frank Hor­vat ON http://www.frankhorvat.com/
Dim­i­tar Pentchev ON http://www.soundconvincer.com/
Faye Perkins ON http://www.realworldartistmanagement.com/
Bruce Rud­dell BC http://www.bruceruddell.com/
Rob Tay­lor AB

New Sup­port­ing Members

Eleanore Alt­man QC http://www.eleanorealtman.com/
Daniel Evan Amezcua AB
Alli­son Bal­cetis AB
Philippe Bat­tikha QC http://www.philippebattikha.com/
Chris Blaber BC
Vir­ginia Bliss USA http://www.reverbnation.com/denderabloodbath
Stephan Bon­field AB
Mar­i­lyn Burgess QC
Sadie Camp­bell BC
Kay­la Cham­bers ON
Jane Chan QC
Ann Den­ny NS
Mark Hel­sten ON
Véronique Jacques QC http://www.soundcloud.com/veronique‑j
Math­ew James USA https://soundcloud.com/mathewsjames
Kevin Knel­man ON http://www.knelmanmusic.com/
Michael LaCroix USA http://www.michaellacroix.com/
Alain Lalonde QC http://www.espacessonoresillimites.com/
Stephanie Love­less QC http://www.stephanieloveless.ca/
Lisa Lowry USA
Luc Mar­tin ON
Ker­ilie McDowall BC http://www.rhythmaning.ca/
Pierre Michaud QC
Brent Michaud QC
Nils Mon­the Cameroon
Larysa Musick MB http://www.reverbnation.com/larysamusick
Juan Oli­vares ON http://www.leslievillemusic.com/
John Osborne AB http://www.blacksplash.net/
Can­dace Patrick SK
Alexa Pavao ON http://www.troveband.com/
Heather Pawsey BC http://www.heatherpawsey.com/
Ivan Reese AB http://www.ivanish.ca/
Mar­tin Rit­ter BC http://www.martin-ritter.com/
Jean-Michel Rousseau QC
JD Sage QC http://www.jdsage.com/
Bren­da San­til­lan Mex­i­co
Lorne Shapiro ON
Adam Sloan USA http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/mutron3k
Rebec­ca Spour ON http://www.thesoulmovementmusic.com/
Isabel­la Ste­fanes­cu ON http://www.isabella-stefanescu.com/
Anan­da Sud­dath QC
Rich Tay­lor SK http://www.gladeyemusic.com/
Bar­ry Tay­lor BC http://www.aleatora.org/
Pip ON http://metroPhilmusic.bandcamp.com/


Direct link: Wel­come New Mem­bers – Decem­ber 2013
Return to full Bul­letin – Decem­ber 2013