I represented the CNMN at the annual meeting of the National Arts Service Organization meeting held in October 2012. This meeting acts as a ‘meta-network’: arts networks from across the country gather to better understand each other’s mandates, share competencies, identify issues, team up on projects, and brainstorm directions and solutions for the future. The meeting was full of people representing organizations dedicated to helping artists and organizations do what they do, giving an extraordinary representation of the lively diversity of the Canadian arts milieu. Having attended the NASO meeting in 2010, the evolution of the meta-network was clear: the buzz in the room was that of people not just meeting for the first time, but of on-going discussions between people and organizations with things to talk about and projects underway. One small example of the meta-network in action: CNMN is now in discussion with the Association of Canadian Choral Communities to distribute CNMN’s Creative Music Resource listing to choirs across the country, providing access to choir directors and singers with lots of ideas for creative music making.
The major commonality between the NASOs is that each engages in lobbying government and industry agencies in the interest of their members, and communicates changes as they occur within these agencies to their membership. Cooperation between NASOs lends far greater weight to lobbying efforts, since the more citizens we represent, the more elected officials take notice. The main topic of conversation of the meeting was the Canada Council change agenda and what this means for artists: more on that in the next article. At the end of the day, it was clear that we’re all navigating the same waters, and working together will help us all better weather sometimes unpredictable seas.
Direct article link: Networking the Networks: National Arts Service Organization (NASO) Meeting 2012
15th edition CNMN Bulletin — Winter 2013