Board Member Category: Treasurer | 1

Sean Clarke (ON) (2016-present)

When I attend­ed FORUM 2016 in Ottawa I felt an imme­di­ate con­nec­tion to the CNM­N’s goals of build­ing a stronger, more col­lab­o­ra­tive new music com­mu­ni­ty and of giv­ing voice to an impor­tant Cana­di­an art form. The inclu­sive nature of the net­work is vital to build­ing a rich and rel­e­vant artis­tic com­mu­ni­ty. As an active com­pos­er and per­former I’m com­mit­ted to high­light­ing the impor­tance of new music in Cana­di­an soci­ety and rec­og­nize the val­ue of hav­ing a nation­al orga­ni­za­tion such as the CNMN to achieve that goal. I have worked in sev­er­al dif­fer­ent set­tings in the new music com­mu­ni­ty, includ­ing as a com­pos­er, a per­former of new and tra­di­tion­al music in cham­ber and orches­tral set­tings, a con­cert pro­duc­er, a board mem­ber of New Works Cal­gary, and a the­o­rist at aca­d­e­m­ic con­fer­ences. I bring my expe­ri­ence and enthu­si­asm to the CNMN board, to work for this impor­tant orga­ni­za­tion and the new music com­mu­ni­ty at large.

Sean Clarke is a com­pos­er and flutist from Cal­gary, AB. Before com­plet­ing a doc­tor­ate in instru­men­tal com­po­si­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mon­tréal under the co-direc­tion of Ana Sokolovic and Jonathan Gold­man, he stud­ied flute and com­po­si­tion at the Roy­al North­ern Col­lege of Music, Eng­land, and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary. His works have been played in the Unit­ed States, France, and across Cana­da, includ­ing on CBC nation­al radio. Sean has also writ­ten sev­er­al works for young per­form­ers, one of which is pub­lished by the Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music (Toron­to).

Sean has pre­sent­ed his the­o­ry research at sev­er­al nation­al and region­al con­fer­ences, includ­ing those of the Cana­di­an Uni­ver­si­ty Music Soci­ety where his paper was a final­ist for the SOCAN Foundation/George Proc­tor Prize; the South Cen­tral Soci­ety for Music The­o­ry where he was the recip­i­ent of the Best Stu­dent Paper Award; and the West Coast Con­fer­ence of Music The­o­ry and Analysis.

As a flutist, Sean has per­formed in new music fes­ti­vals in Mon­tréal, Cal­gary and Saska­toon, as an extra musi­cian with the Cal­gary Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra, and in con­cert series includ­ing the Société de Musique Con­tem­po­raine de Québec’s Série Hom­mage and McGill University’s Schulich Pro­fes­sion­al Con­cert Series.‑1