Tim Brady (QC) (Board Member, 2014–2017; President, 2005–14)

“I was pres­i­dent of CNMN from its incep­tion in 2005 until 2014. I believe in CNMN because I believe that musi­cal cre­ativ­i­ty can play an impor­tant and pos­i­tive role in our soci­ety. How­ev­er, we need to work togeth­er in order for new music to have more impact in Cana­da. This is why we cre­at­ed CNMN – in order to have a place for the entire com­mu­ni­ty to work togeth­er: com­pos­er, per­former, ensem­ble, impro­vis­er, elec­troa­coustics, world, orches­tra, DIY, what­ev­er – it’s about musi­cal imag­i­na­tion and human expres­sion, not categories. 

A key issue affect­ing new music in Cana­da is con­nect­ing more effec­tive­ly to the Cana­di­an and inter­na­tion­al pub­lic, Since 2011 CNMN has been evolv­ing a new strat­e­gy called the Dig­i­tal Con­tent Ini­tia­tive. We all know – with­out high qual­i­ty dig­i­tal rep­re­sen­ta­tions of our work out in the big wide world, we are invis­i­ble. As a board mem­ber, my main goal is to move this project for­ward. CNMN now has a sol­id infra­struc­ture and his­to­ry, so I will use my expe­ri­ence and con­tacts built over a decade of cul­tur­al pol­i­cy work with CNMN to get this Dig­i­tal Con­tent Ini­tia­tive mov­ing. This is a com­plex and daunt­ing task, and made none the eas­i­er by the cur­rent polit­i­cal cli­mate, but it is crit­i­cal for the future of Cana­di­an music.”

2014 — Final President’s Message :

“Over the past nine years as CNMN Pres­i­dent, I have spent many hours think­ing about musi­cal cre­ativ­i­ty, try­ing to define it to our­selves, try­ing to defend it to fun­ders and to the pub­lic, try­ing to artic­u­late why we believe that unfet­tered musi­cal cre­ativ­i­ty is so vital to our soci­ety.  There is no sin­gle, sim­ple answer.  How­ev­er, at its core, cre­at­ing music for the love of the art of music is a strik­ing social and polit­i­cal action.  Cre­at­ing music that tries to encom­pass the scope and com­plex­i­ty of the human con­di­tion is a big job, but that is what we have cho­sen to do.  It is inher­ent­ly human­ist in approach, and is pred­i­cat­ed on a soci­ety where the val­ue of each indi­vid­ual is recog­nised.  Art, includ­ing new music, is pri­mar­i­ly about the human expe­ri­ence, not about the eco­nom­ic ben­e­fit or polit­i­cal power. 

This is why cre­ative art is often viewed as a men­ace to exist­ing eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal struc­tures.  We live in a soci­ety which has, for the moment, a rea­son­able bal­ance between the two forces – the human­ist vision and the eco­nom­ic / polit­i­cal vision.  That bal­ance, how­ev­er, is con­stant­ly shifting.

I urge all CNMN mem­bers to remem­ber, every time you write a new piece, or step on a stage to do a con­cert, or talk about the impor­tance of music in our soci­ety, that you are part of the ongo­ing polit­i­cal and social dis­course that is shap­ing the world we live in.  New music has a role to play in this larg­er dis­cus­sion, and it is impor­tant that we, as a com­mu­ni­ty, take this role seri­ous­ly. I believe that CNMN is ide­al­ly placed to be a lead­ing voice in this dis­cus­sion.  I hope that my 9 years as Pres­i­dent has helped to build both a strong, cred­i­ble organ­i­sa­tion and to make the case for musi­cal cre­ativ­i­ty as a pos­i­tive force for social devel­op­ment.”   [2014]

“CNMN is the best way our com­mu­ni­ty can move for­ward – by work­ing togeth­er. Since its cre­ation in 2005, CNMN has begun to cre­ate a strong, coher­ent voice for all forms of new music across Cana­da, and I hope to con­tin­ue this work by work­ing to improve our region­al new music net­works, by rein­forc­ing our nation­al net­work, by improv­ing the CNMN infra­struc­ture and by push­ing for­ward with tar­get­ed lob­by­ing cam­paigns at FACTOR, Her­itage Cana­da, Musi­cAc­tion, CBC and with a vari­ety of nation­al and region­al edu­ca­tion­al part­ners.  We can build on the suc­cess of our FORUM projects and cre­ate a pos­i­tive sense of what new music, in all its forms, has to offer the Cana­di­an pub­lic.”   [2012]

“As one of the found­ing mem­bers of the CNMN I believe that new music can play a more vital, dynam­ic, pos­i­tive and imag­i­na­tive role in the cul­tur­al life of Cana­da. But we can only do this if we, as a com­mu­ni­ty of cre­ative artists, work togeth­er to make this extra­or­di­nary music more wide­ly avail­able to all Cana­di­ans. The CNMN is the best forum for cre­at­ing this kind of col­lab­o­ra­tion, bring­ing togeth­er com­posers, per­form­ers, ensem­bles, impro­vis­ers, pro­duc­ers and edu­ca­tors to cre­ate a sin­gle, com­mon voice for the cause of new cre­ative con­cert music in Cana­da.”   [2008]

Tim Brady is a com­pos­er, per­former, artis­tic direc­tor and cul­tur­al activist based in Mon­tre­al. Work­ing as a free-lance pro­fes­sion­al artist since 1980, he has pro­duced 20 CDs, dozens of tours of Cana­da, the USA, Europe and Aus­tralia, and worked with major pre­sen­ters and orches­tras such as the Win­nipeg Sym­pho­ny, the Van­cou­ver Sym­pho­ny, the Orchestre sym­phonique de Québec, the Orchestre sym­phonique de Mon­tre­al, the Toron­to Sym­pho­ny, the SMCQ, VNMS, Fes­ti­val Vic­to, New Music Con­certs, le NEM, the Open Ears Fes­ti­val, The Hud­der­s­field Con­tem­po­rary Music Fes­ti­val, Topol­o­gy and the ABC (Aus­tralia) and Radio-France. He was pres­i­dent of the CNMN from 2005–2014.
