Thierry Tidrow (2024 — present)

As a Fran­co-ontar­i­an liv­ing in Ger­many for more than ten years, I ter­ri­bly miss the two soli­tudes that make up my lin­guis­tic and cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty. For this rea­son, I‘m extreme­ly hap­py to be a part of the CNMN board and to con­nect with ded­i­cat­ed artists from sea to sea. Fur­ther­more, I look for­ward to shar­ing knowl­edge from my expe­ri­ences work­ing in a pre­dom­i­nant­ly Euro­pean con­text and from my areas of exper­tise, works for the stage and for younger audi­ences (ages 3 to 16). 

Thier­ry Tidrow (*1986, Ottawa) is an award-win­ning Cana­di­an com­pos­er of instru­men­tal and vocal music, with a predilec­tion for opera. His music has been described as “embrac­ing many musi­cal worlds, in which explo­rations of noise, expres­sion­ist lyri­cism, pas­tiche and par­o­dy form a dis­cur­sive and rich­ly detailed whole.” (ECM+ Gen­er­a­tions Jury 2018) This auda­cious syn­the­sis of styles gives rise to a chiaroscuro of mean­ing, often play­ful, but where the humourous can quick­ly turn to the hor­rif­ic or trag­ic and back. His stud­ied approach to text and sound reveals hid­den mean­ings and erects new ones, and his dra­mat­ic instinct leads to an intrin­si­cal­ly nar­ra­tive mode of expres­sion packed with sur­prise and intrigue.

Thier­ry has col­lab­o­rat­ed with many per­form­ers across Europe and North Amer­i­ca, includ­ing the Asko-Schön­berg Ensem­ble, Ensem­ble Mod­ern, Klang­fo­rum Wien, the Quatuor Bozzi­ni, Con­tin­u­um, Ensem­ble Paramirabo, Sarah Maria Sun, Thomas Hamp­son, Johannes Fis­ch­er, Heather Roche and many oth­ers. Their most recent Cana­di­an pre­miere, Entre Nous, for Quasar and four actors, is a con­cert-length music the­atre that explores what the Que­bec/Fran­co-ontar­i­an lan­guage does and does­n’t say about our past, our val­ues, our trau­mas, our prej­u­dices, our need to belong and  to laugh.

Thier­ry has writ­ten more than ten operas, includ­ing many for younger audi­ences and ama­teur per­form­ers. From 2019 to 2022 they were com­pos­er-in-res­i­dence at Oper Dort­mund, and their oper­at­ic works have also been played in many opera hous­es in Ger­many and Aus­tria, includ­ing Bonn, Cologne, Dres­den, Darm­stadt, Düs­sel­dorf and the Vien­na State Opera. Thier­ry has received many dis­tinc­tions, includ­ing the 1st prize of the inau­gur­al Gra­ham Som­mer Com­pe­ti­tion for his string quin­tet Quick­sil­ver (2018), and the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts’ Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al’s award, the Jules-Léger Prize for Au fond du Cloître Humide (2014).