Robert Thomson (BC) (2020 — 2022)

I had the good for­tune of attend­ing and con­tribut­ing to a CNMN Sus­tain­abil­i­ty con­ver­sa­tion in 2019. I felt a con­nec­tion with the organization’s val­ues and left excit­ed with the dia­logue and the knowl­edge exchanged. CNMN is pro­vid­ing inno­v­a­tive and excit­ing events that enrich our music com­mu­ni­ty. I’m hon­oured to be asked to join the board and am excit­ed to con­tribute and learn. 

Robert Thom­son is a musi­cian, music cura­tor, and per­former of Hai­da, Tsimshi­an, and mixed Euro­pean ances­try. He is the band leader of soul-pop project Sis­ter Says, an artis­tic pro­duc­er at Full Cir­cle: First Nations Per­for­mance and the music pro­gram­mer for the Talk­ing Stick Fes­ti­val and Múyuntstut ta Slúlum Con­cert Series. In 2019, Robert received the award for “Emerg­ing Per­form­ing Arts Leader” pre­sent­ed by the Cana­di­an Asso­ci­a­tion for Pre­sent­ing Arts. 

Out­side of Full Cir­cle and Sis­ter Says, Robert is cur­rent­ly the elec­tric bass play­er in the projects SOLA, Logan and Nathan, a sound designer/performer/live loop­er in the exper­i­men­tal musi­cal Mor­ag, You’re a Long Time Deid (2020), part of the Indigifest (2019) artis­tic team, and co-curat­ed the con­cert, Giv­ing Voice (2017).