Pierre-Olivier Roy (QC) (2018–2020)

I am always enthu­si­as­tic about con­tribut­ing to the influ­ence of new music in all con­texts. I par­tic­i­pate every day as a com­pos­er, artis­tic direc­tor and teacher.

An orga­ni­za­tion like CNMN is vital to the cul­tur­al ecosys­tem in which our music evolves. Many issues need dis­cussing and actions need to be tak­en. I cer­tain­ly mean to use my expe­ri­ences in cre­at­ing and pro­duc­ing events. I sin­cere­ly hope that the Que­bec region, and the east­ern part of the province in par­tic­u­lar, will be more involved in the actions of the network.

CNMN projects are excit­ing and the music field is dynam­ic. It is with pride that I agreed to put my shoul­der to the wheel by sit­ting on the board of directors.

Pierre-Olivi­er Roy prac­tices in new music cre­ation and audio pro­duc­tion, main­ly for live music, live music and sound design. His body of work includes cham­ber music (instru­men­tal and mixed) and elec­troa­coustic works. In his recent career, mixed music occu­pies a pride of place. In 2017, Pierre-Olivi­er Roy was cho­sen to con­duct a research res­i­den­cy for the cre­ation of an inter­ac­tive musi­cal work in the White House, based on the qual­i­ty of his work and his vision inte­grat­ing instru­men­tal com­po­si­tion and musi­cal tech­nolo­gies. His work Machine Music, cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with SAGA, was exhib­it­ed at the Musée de la civ­i­liza­tion between April and June 2017.
More specif­i­cal­ly, he explores the use of musi­cal tech­nolo­gies as part of the cre­ation & com­po­si­tion of mixed music in con­cert. His work Under a Fine Sky (elec­tric gui­tar, per­cus­sion, tapes, live video and immer­sive envi­ron­ment) was nom­i­nat­ed at the Opus Gala in the cat­e­go­ry Con­cert of the Year — Québec and was recip­i­ent of the Uni­ver­sité Laval Hom­mage aux Créa­teurs Mem­bres Award in 2017. In the sum­mer of 2018, The Time Frac­ture — Mul­ti­ple Times (20 per­cus­sion­ists and octo­phon­ic bands) was pre­miered at the Place des Fes­ti­vals in Mon­tre­al as part of Rythmopolis.
Pierre-Olivi­er Roy is very active on the Que­bec new music scene. Since 2015, he has been the gen­er­al and artis­tic direc­tor of the E27 musiques nou­velles. He cur­rent­ly teach­es at the Fac­ul­ty of Music of Laval University.