Marina Hasselberg (2023 — 2024)

As a mem­ber of the CNMN board I aim to take advan­tage of my own expe­ri­ence as a music per­former to active­ly sup­port the organization’s mis­sion of con­nect­ing and enrich­ing the Cana­di­an music scene and improv­ing its impact in the world.

Eclec­tic and award-win­ning cel­list Mari­na Has­sel­berg “has become a stand­out pres­ence on Vancouver’s music scene” (Geor­gia Straight). Like her new Jesse Zubot-pro­duced album Red, her per­for­mances are a provoca­tive, deeply per­son­al mix of clas­si­fi­ca­tion-resis­tant writ­ten works and adven­tur­ous impro­vised excur­sions, with Has­sel­berg employ­ing extend­ed tech­niques, a vari­ety of bows and acces­sories, and elec­tron­ics to skirt the fine line between the known and the unknown.