Éric Normand (2023 — present)

Éric Nor­mand is on the board of direc­tors because he believes in net­work­ing and in the music com­mu­ni­ty’s abil­i­ty to pro­mote prac­tices of resource and skill-shar­ing to fos­ter equi­ty and eman­ci­pa­tion with­in the diver­si­ty of sound practices.

Éric Nor­mand is an impro­vis­er, bassist, com­pos­er, and print­er. He resides in the small town of Rimous­ki in East­ern Que­bec. He leads Tour de bras, an orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to impro­vised music, and engages in cul­tur­al activ­i­ties on both local and glob­al scales. He is one of the founders of the Grand groupe région­al d’improvisation libérée (GGRIL, 2007), an ensem­ble ded­i­cat­ed to the explo­ration of “com­po­si­tions for improvisers.”

Nor­mand has released over 30 albums on Cana­di­an and for­eign labels, and his music has been fea­tured in var­i­ous fes­ti­vals in more than 20 coun­tries. Through Tour de Bras, Nor­mand has been advo­cat­ing for impro­vi­sa­tion prac­tices for 20 years, cre­at­ing an impres­sive inter­na­tion­al net­work that inter­sects with impro­vi­sa­tion hubs world­wide and includes co-pro­duc­tions with coun­tries like Aus­tralia or Slovenia.