Andrew Reed Miller (2022 — present)

I have been prac­tis­ing var­i­ous kinds of music both new and old for 3 decades now and I’m look­ing for­ward to shar­ing and net­work­ing with the next generation.

Orig­i­nal­ly from New York, Andrew stud­ied in Ottawa and Toron­to and even­tu­al­ly toured with The Cana­di­an Opera Com­pa­ny, the Nation­al Arts Cen­tre Orches­tra and the Roy­al Win­nipeg Bal­let. Andrew has per­formed at many venues, includ­ing Open Ears Fes­ti­val (Kitch­en­er), New Music Cal­gary, Sound Sym­po­sium (New­found­land), the Sco­tia Fes­ti­val of Music, Ensem­ble Kore (Mon­tre­al) The Music Gallery (Toron­to), West­ern Front (Van­cou­ver),  and Ton­ic (New  York).  Miller has writ­ten music for orches­tra, dance, cham­ber music, film, tele­vi­sion, and theatre. 

“Miller is a superb play­er, a mas­ter and a cre­ative inven­tor……” ‑Stephen Ped­er­sen The Chron­i­cle Her­ald (Hal­i­fax) Jan 10, 2011