André Cormier (Atlantic) (2018-present)

André Cormier’s work has been pre­sent­ed in Cana­da, the US, Europe, and New Zealand. He has writ­ten for solo, small and large cham­ber ensem­bles, as well as music for opera, dance as well as col­lab­o­ra­tive work with visu­al artists. His works have been com­mis­sioned from a vari­ety of artists in Cana­da, the US, and Europe. In 2008, he launched Édi­tions musique Sisyphe (, a pub­lish­ing house pri­mar­i­ly for exper­i­men­tal music scores; he also directs its per­form­ing branch, Ensem­ble Sisyphe. In 2011, after near­ly twen­ty years on the west coast shared between British Colum­bia and Cal­i­for­nia, André made his return to east­ern Cana­da, first in Mon­tre­al, and then in the sum­mer of 2012, he returned to his native Acadie. Today, André main­tains a busy sched­ule as a com­pos­er by ful­fill­ing com­mis­sions and pre­sent­ing work, all in an effort to greater under­stand what makes sound and silence so irre­sistible. He also finds the com­ple­ment of cacao and sug­ar immense­ly intriguing.