Allison Girvan

Alli­son Gir­van is an inter­na­tion­al­ly respect­ed Cana­di­an singer and choral direc­tor known for her explo­ration of songs span­ning genre, style and lan­guage. She has been a fea­tured soloist in per­for­mance and on record­ings with ensem­bles rang­ing from jazz trios to full orches­tra and is a stu­dio vocal­ist for T.V. and fea­ture film. She has record­ed 3 solo albums – Res­o­nance, Fish­ing By The Light of the Ances­tors and the con­cept album of her staged pro­duc­tion, Quin­tes­sence. In 2021, Alli­son was the fea­tured soloist in Shawn Kirchner’s folk ora­to­rio, The Light of Hope Return­ing which was pro­duced as a full-length ani­mat­ed con­cert with Cana­di­an and Amer­i­can choirs, Syr­i­an artist Kevork Mourad, and mem­bers of the San Fran­cis­co Opera Orchestra.

Allison’s entire career as a musi­cian has been guid­ed by the quest for com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tion and her cur­rent project, Wit­ness: Roots, Bark & Branch­es, explores themes of iden­ti­ty and belong­ing in a devel­oped com­mu­ni­ty soundscape/choral composition.

Alli­son is the founder and direc­tor of the Lalin Vocal Ensem­ble. She is an award-win­ning edu­ca­tor and was named Nelson’s offi­cial Cul­tur­al Ambas­sador in 2019. Alli­son lives in Nel­son BC where she con­tin­ues to cre­ate, per­form, and record. In addi­tion to instruct­ing voice at the Selkirk Col­lege Con­tem­po­rary Music Pro­gram, she is the Com­mu­ni­ty Engage­ment Facil­i­ta­tor for the Capi­tol The­atre and a guide for Arts BC’s “Path­ways” — a pilot pro­gram to affect orga­ni­za­tion­al sys­tems change through cen­ter­ing equi­ty and access work.

Insta­gram: @lalinchoir