Public Engagement Committee Report — October 2017

Top view of feet of people standing in a circle. Runners standing in a huddle with their feet together.

Emi­ly Doolit­tle and Sarah Albu were appoint­ed to the Pub­lic Engage­ment Com­mit­tee in Decem­ber 2016, and formed the sev­en-mem­ber com­mit­tee in win­ter 2017.

There was one com­mit­tee meet­ing in the 2016–17 sea­son (April 3, 2017) where we looked at how the com­mit­tee can best realise its man­date to strength­en pub­lic engage­ment for Cana­di­an new music.


The com­mit­tee brain­stormed many dif­fer­ent ideas. The strongest com­mon­al­i­ty behind all of them was the need to focus on mak­ing Pub­lic Engage­ment not only an inte­gral ele­ment in all oth­er CNMN projects (forums, pub­lic dis­cus­sions, etc.), but to focus on pro­vid­ing resources to help mem­bers of the net­work to do the same in their projects as well (con­certs, etc.).

Louise Camp­bell sug­gest­ed a project (pos­si­bly called Super Son­ic) that builds on the cur­rent online list of CNMN music edu­ca­tion resources, and becomes a hub for pub­lic engage­ment activ­i­ties that are already hap­pen­ing across the coun­try. This would allow peo­ple to share resources and learn from each oth­er, as well as to share and archive the results of per­for­mances and activ­i­ties. The com­mit­tee decid­ed to sup­port this ini­tia­tive, and ear­ly-stage work pro­gressed late in the 2016–2017 sea­son with the under­stand­ing that this is a more long-term project that will even­tu­al­ly involve CNMN staff, as the work entailed is too much to be done entire­ly on a vol­un­tary basis.

Don’t hes­i­tate to get in touch, we want to hear from you! Please con­tact Emi­ly Doolit­tle –  or Sarah Albu.

Com­mit­tee Mem­bers: Sarah Albu (co-chair), Emi­ly Doolit­tle (co-chair), Louise Camp­bell, Jason Doell, Kathy Kennedy, Tawnie Olson, Jer­ry Pergolesi.

Sub­mit­ted by Emi­ly Doolit­tle, Octo­ber 2017.


Past reports from this committee

Pub­lic Engage­ment Com­mit­tee Report – June 2017
Pub­lic Engage­ment Com­mit­tee Report – Octo­ber 2016
Pub­lic Engage­ment Com­mit­tee Report– Octo­ber 2015
Pub­lic Engage­ment Com­mit­tee Report– May 2015
Pub­lic Engage­ment Com­mit­tee Report  – Decem­ber 2014

Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018