AGM 2022 Agenda & Reports

Octo­ber 6, 2022 at 1 pm ET on Zoom and in per­son at Groupe Le Vivi­er (100 rue Sher­brooke E. #2000, Mon­tre­al, QC, H2X 1C3) Zoom link


  1. Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of Quo­rum and open­ing of meeting
  2. Approve the Agen­da (vote)
  3. Approve min­utes from last AGM, of Octo­br 14, 2021 (vote)
  4. Receive the President’s Report — Juli­et Palmer reviews the 2021–22 sea­son as CNMN president
  5. Receive the Com­mit­tee reports of the 2021–22 season
  6. Receive the Finan­cial State­ments for the year end­ed 30 June 2022
  7. Appoint the audi­tor for the finan­cial year 2022–23 (nom­i­na­tion and vote)
  8. Board Mem­ber Votes
  9. Vote to change bylaws on Board Mem­ber vot­ing — see new word­ing here
  10. Oth­er business
  11. Adjourn­ment


President’s Report

After what felt like a peri­od of end­less phys­i­cal sep­a­ra­tion, the high­light of my per­son­al CNMN year was our board retreat in Mon­tre­al this May. It was a pal­pa­ble reminder of the ener­gy and inspi­ra­tion that flow from gath­er­ing and lis­ten­ing in per­son. Our two guest facil­i­ta­tors sparked debate and dis­cus­sion: charles c. smith reviewed CNMN’s Jus­tice, Equi­ty, Diver­si­ty and Inclu­sion activ­i­ties to date and out­lined steps to take to increase and deep­en our work in “widen­ing the cir­cle”. Claude Schry­er led a gal­va­niz­ing work­shop on Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and Orga­ni­za­tion­al Change. CNMN has since joined SCALE – Sec­toral Cli­mate Arts Lead­er­ship for the Emer­gency. I am excit­ed that we are now part of this new net­work com­mit­ted to keep­ing arts and cul­ture at the fore­front of the work to build a more just and green future. In the com­ing year, region­al in-per­son gath­er­ings will keep it real and local, offer­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for fur­ther lis­ten­ing and exchange focussed on sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Keep your ear to the ground so you can be part of the con­ver­sa­tion. A huge thank you to all the mem­bers of the Board for their ener­gy and efforts over this past year in keep­ing CNMN strong and rel­e­vant. Your insight, expe­ri­ence and ded­i­ca­tion to the net­work are deeply appre­ci­at­ed. This year we wel­comed Andrew Reed Miller to the board. Orig­inial­ly from New York, Andrew is based in Saint John, NB and brings over 25 years of expe­ri­ence as a cre­ative per­former, col­lab­o­ra­tor, artis­tic direc­tor, and arts leader. It’s great to have you on board, Andrew! We bid Po Yeh a fond farewell and offer our deep­est thanks for her eight years of ser­vice on the Board mem­ber and for offer­ing us fis­cal over­sight in her role as Trea­sur­er since 2016. Thank you Po for your thought­ful and per­cep­tive con­tri­bu­tions to CNMN. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing a new rep­re­sen­ta­tive from the Prairies — stay tuned! Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Ter­ri Hron con­tin­ues to steer CNMN with cre­ativ­i­ty, orga­ni­za­tion­al panache and com­pas­sion. Thank you Ter­ri — your new ideas are what keep us hum­ming! Louise Camp­bell has been grow­ing the PCM Hub with leaps and bounds into the abun­dant­ly well-stocked pantry of cre­ative music and sound resources that it is today. Keep com­ing back to this cor­ner of the CNMN web­site for inspi­ra­tion and fresh ways to cre­ate col­lec­tive­ly and inclu­sive­ly. I look for­ward to work­ing with Ter­ri, Louise, Aurore and the Board, along with our fund­ing and part­ner orga­ni­za­tions to strength­en CNMN’s role as a cir­cle of learn­ing and exchange, an agent of change and a cat­a­lyst for new ways of cre­at­ing and orga­niz­ing. Thank you for your sup­port, Warm wish­es, Juliet 

Communications & Membership 

Report by Aurore Blonde­lot Com­mit­tee Mem­bers: ED, PR, Juli­et Palmer, Lin­da Bouchard  The 2021–2022 sea­son start­ed with a first time 100% online edi­tion of the Forum 2021 – Lis­ten up (due to the pan­dem­ic). All of CNM­N’s dis­sem­i­na­tion plat­forms were mobi­lized to relay infor­ma­tion on the web­site and social media (YouTube, Face­book, Insta­gram and Twit­ter), as well as our week­ly newslet­ters. This Forum was an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring togeth­er the new music com­mu­ni­ty around events pro­duced by pre­sen­ters from the Prairies, but also to high­light works in video for­mat by artists in musi­cal and sound cre­ation from across the country.  The CNMN also pre­sent­ed 5 the­mat­ic videos around the issues of activism in musi­cal cre­ation. The artists fea­tured in these the­mat­ic videos were also solicit­ed for the series of Con­ver­sa­tions on the same theme, in order to con­tin­ue the dis­cus­sions that emerged dur­ing the Forum 2021. All of the online videos on the YouTube chan­nel were offered in bilin­gual trans­la­tion, for the sake of acces­si­bil­i­ty. Addi­tion­al­ly, the Con­ver­sa­tions – Access video is also avail­able in sign language.  This year, the CNMN con­tin­ued its Con­neX­ions men­tor­ship pro­gram to sup­port artists in their music and sound cre­ation projects. Sim­i­lar­ly, CNMN held a sec­ond call for projects for the PCM Hub, aimed in par­tic­u­lar at projects linked to the health sec­tor. All of these activ­i­ties were shared on the CNM­N’s social net­works at the rate of 2–3 pub­li­ca­tions per week and in bimonth­ly newsletters.  The num­ber of sub­scribers to the CNMN mail­ing list remains con­stant and the open rate of newslet­ters is good. The num­ber of sub­scribers to the Face­book page and to the Twit­ter and Insta­gram accounts is up slight­ly and the num­ber of inter­ac­tions with the con­tent of the pub­li­ca­tions is reg­u­lar. This year, CNMN intro­duced a new vol­un­tary mem­ber­ship mod­el. Two pro­mo­tion­al cam­paigns were deployed for this pur­pose and vot­ing mem­bers are encour­aged to share their activ­i­ties to ampli­fy them on social networks.  To con­clude, a renew­al cam­paign for board mem­bers was launched in the sum­mer of 2022. Mem­bers cur­rent­ly serv­ing on the board got per­son­al­ly involved by shar­ing short pro­mo­tion­al videos. This cam­paign was pri­mar­i­ly aimed at solic­it­ing the appoint­ment of new mem­bers locat­ed in the Prairies, as well as fill­ing the vacan­cies of sec­re­tary and trea­sur­er. It con­clud­ed with the announce­ment of the dates for the next annu­al gen­er­al meet­ing in the fall of 2022. 

Forum 2021

Report by Ter­ri Hron Com­mit­tee mem­bers: ED, Megu­mi Masa­ki, Jeff Mor­ton, Juli­et Palmer, Helen Pridmore  Forum 2021, our first online edi­tion, ran from Sep­tem­ber 27 to Decem­ber 7 (see Com­mu­ni­ca­tions report for more info on distribution. .  It includ­ed work by around 70 artists, pre­sent­ed as the following: 
  • 5 videos on Land, Access, Indige­nous, Inno­va­tion and Com­mu­ni­ty issues, with the voic­es and work of artis­tic lead­ers. These videos were edit­ed by Jeff Mor­ton. Pre­sen­ters includ­ed: Bec­ca Tay­lor (Oci­ci­wan Col­lec­tive), Astro­labe Musik The­atre (Del­phine Der­ick­son-Arm­strong and Heather Pawsey), Ian Cus­son, Geron­i­mo Inu­tiq and Sandy Scofield for Indige­nous Resur­gence; Rebec­ca Caines, Louise Camp­bell, Gior­gio Mag­na­nen­si, and Rox­anne Tur­cotte for Com­mu­ni­ty; Col Cseke (Good Host), Chelsea Jones, Julie Richard and Ellen Water­man for Access; Suzanne Kite, Amy Bran­don, Tere­sa Con­nors, Hel­ga Jakob­son and Annie Mar­tin for Innovation/Technology; and Tanya Kalmanovitch, Heather Peat Hamm, Tina Pear­son and Jen­ni Schine for Land;
  • A show­case of 20+ short videos of cre­ative music and sound artists from across the coun­try and artis­tic prac­tice. Artists includ­ed Evelin Ramon, Andrew Adridge, Michelle Boudreau, Jen­na Turn­er, Caitlin Sian Richards, Sarah Albu,Lia Pas, Kathryn Ladano, Frank Hor­vat, Anoush Moazzeni, THIRTYMINUTES, Park­er Thiessen, Arlan Vriens, Chenoa Ander­son, Erin Dono­van, SHHH!! Ensem­ble, Alexan­dra Gor­lin-Cren­shaw and Kim Farris-Manning;
  • 4 events pro­duced by pre­sen­ters from the heart of Cana­da on the Prairies: the Eck­hardt-Gram­mat­té Com­pe­ti­tion, Holophon Audio Arts, New Music Edmon­ton and New Works Calgary.
Feed­back on social media has been pos­i­tive and artists were grate­ful for the oppor­tu­ni­ty for remu­ner­at­ed oppor­tu­ni­ties to present their work in these for­mats dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Col­lab­o­ra­tions with Prairie pre­sen­ters offered CNMN the chance to make clos­er con­nec­tions in the heart of the coun­try. We thank our fun­ders — FACTOR, SOCAN and the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts – for their sup­port of Forum.  Con­sid­er­ing the non-inter­ac­tive nature of this Forum, it would be my rec­om­men­da­tion that we look into a for­mat that would pri­or­i­tize (in-per­son) exchange for the next edition. 


Report by Helen Prid­more Com­mit­tee: Nor­man Adams, Müge Büyükçe­len, Ter­ri Hron, Juli­et Palmer, Helen Pridmore  The CNMN Men­tor­ship pro­gram ran for a sec­ond iter­a­tion in 2021–22.  This project pairs appli­cants who have spe­cif­ic projects in mind, with men­tors from our CNMN com­mu­ni­ty. Men­tors and mentees meet for one to four ses­sions to devel­op these new projects.  The pro­gram is open to any­one inter­est­ed in cre­ative music and sound practices.  Eight appli­cants were award­ed men­tor­ships this year:  Jane Chan, David Foley, Pao­lo Grif­fin, Alexan­dra Gor­lin-Cren­shaw, Kalaisan Kalaichel­van, Andrew MacK­elvie, Bev­er­ley McK­iv­er, and Michael Sel­vag­gi.  Men­tors includ­ed Sarah Albu, Dar­ren Copeland, Emi­lie Lebel, Gior­gio Mag­na­nen­si, Chris Mayo, Cléo Pala­cio-Quintin, Helen Prid­more, and Jef­frey Stone­house.  Top­ics shared includ­ed: advice on com­po­si­tion­al struc­tures; work­ing with com­put­er soft­ware pro­grams such as MAX/MSP; cura­tion of solo shows; per­for­mance coach­ing; and run­ning a small arts orga­ni­za­tion.  For more infor­ma­tion, please see the Con­neX­ions page.  You can find infor­ma­tion for prospec­tive appli­cants there.  The next round of the Men­tor­ship pro­gram is under­way, with a dead­line Octo­ber 21, 2022.  On a per­son­al note, I can add that as a men­tor this past year,  I thor­ough­ly enjoyed the expe­ri­ence of meet­ing some­one new from the Cana­di­an musi­cal com­mu­ni­ty, shar­ing cre­ative ideas, and devel­op­ing a new project. 


Report by Juli­et Palmer, Sept 15, 2022 Com­mit­tee: Ter­ri Hron, Juli­et Palmer, Aurore Blondelot  This past year’s CNMN Con­ver­sa­tions series dug deep­er into the activist themes of FORUM 2021: Lis­ten Up. Watch the orig­i­nal FORUM videos and then learn more as an invit­ed mod­er­a­tor leads a wide-rang­ing and thought-pro­vok­ing con­ver­sa­tion with the cre­ators. All con­ver­sa­tions are avail­able on our Youtube chan­nel with Eng­lish and French cap­tion­ing. Thanks to Ter­ri and Suzu for get­ting this up and run­ning. CNMN Board Mem­bers and staff took turns host­ing the series, help­ing view­ers get to know the peo­ple behind the scenes and across the country. 

Indigenous Resurgence — January 18, 2022

How do Indige­nous artists and com­mu­ni­ties respond to the cur­rent notion of Indige­nous resur­gence? How does lan­guage and def­i­n­i­tion affect or effect Indige­nous work? Does men­tor­ship play a role in the work of Indige­nous artists and how? Watch the Indige­nous Resur­gence FORUM 2021 video Mod­er­a­tor: Bec­ca Tay­lor CNMN Host: Rob Thomson  Guests: Astro­labe Music The­atre (Heather Pawsey & Del­phine Arm­strong Der­ick­son), Ian Cus­son, Geron­i­mo Inu­tiq, Sandy Scofield 

Land — February 15, 2022

What is sound rela­tion­ship with land? How can we encour­age and prac­tice right rela­tions? What are the ethics of record­ing land­scapes and places? Whose con­sent do we need to seek? Watch the Land FORUM 2021 video. Mod­er­a­tor: Wende Bart­ley CNMN Host: Andrew Miller  Guests: Tanya Kalmanovitch, Heather Peat Hamm, Tina Pear­son, Jen­ni Schine 

Innovation/Technology — March 15, 2022

New direc­tions in tech­nol­o­gy, and new def­i­n­i­tions of inno­va­tion. How do we work with non-humans? What is unknow­able in our prac­tice? Where do our com­po­si­tions come from? How do we define lis­ten­ing? Are all things heard, audi­ble? Watch the Innovation/Technology FORUM 2021 video. Mod­er­a­tor: Suzanne Kite CNMN Host: Megu­mi Masaki  Guests: Amy Bran­don, Tere­sa Con­nors, Hel­ga Jakob­son, Annie Martin 

Access Apr 12 2022

Access can be a bridge to cul­tur­al exchange where mul­ti­ple peo­ple or com­mu­ni­ties ben­e­fit equi­tably from a bar­ri­er free space to meet, con­nect, find com­mon­al­i­ties, cel­e­brate dif­fer­ence, and share their cul­tures with each oth­er. How do we iden­ti­fy bar­ri­ers and increase acess?  Is there a place, an expe­ri­ence, a com­mu­ni­ty that we are not able to access? What would need to change to make it acces­si­ble? Watch the Access FORUM 2021 video. Mod­er­a­tor: Col Cseke CNMN Host: Ter­ri Hron  Guests: Chelsea Jones, Julie Richard, Ellen Waterman 

Participatory Music Hub 

Report by project lead Louise Campbell  In 2019, CNMN received fund­ing through the Cana­da Coun­cil’s Dig­i­tal Strat­e­gy Fund to cre­ate an on-line Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Cre­ative Music Hub. Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry cre­ative music is a vari­ety of prac­tices in which all peo­ple involved have active input into the process of cre­at­ing music. A facil­i­ta­tor may guide and par­tic­i­pate in the process, and deci­sion-mak­ing and author­ship is shared. The Hub is full of inspir­ing, inno­v­a­tive projects hail­ing from the fields of edu­ca­tion, health, com­mu­ni­ty, social ser­vices and incarceration.  The two key achieve­ments of the 2021–22 sea­son was a suc­cess­ful Open Call for project with a focus on projects occur­ring in the sec­tor of Health, and the launch of the Sec­tor Focus Resources. The first resource is up and on-line: Cre­ative Music In Edu­ca­tion, which pro­files 5 music edu­ca­tion pro­grams across Cana­da, fea­tur­ing their cre­ative music activ­i­ties and thoughts by teach­ers and stu­dents about what suc­cess in music edu­ca­tion means to them and how cre­ative music prac­tices may help towards decol­o­niz­ing the music classroom.  Hub activ­i­ties in 2021–22 sea­son included: 
  • 17 con­sul­tants hired to pro­vide expert advice
  • Open Call with a focus on projects occur­ring in Health completed
  • 8 suc­cess­ful Open Call projects com­plet­ed and uploaded by Naila Kuhlmann, Sher­ry L. Dupuis, Lau­ra Gillis, Julia Wed­er, Pia Kon­tos, Leah Abram­son, Ira Lee Gath­ers, and Geremia Loren­zo Lodi
  • Dis­sem­i­na­tion through part­ner orgs Cana­di­an Net­work for Arts and Learn­ing, Cana­di­an Music Edu­ca­tors’ Asso­ci­a­tion, Coali­tion for Music Edu­ca­tion, provin­cial music ed orgs, Room 217, Cana­di­an Asso­ci­a­tion for Music Ther­a­py and more
This sea­son, we will con­tin­ue to con­duct com­mu­ni­ty con­sul­ta­tions and dis­sem­i­na­tion of the Hub to our stake­hold­ers, includ­ing a beta-test­ing sur­vey to help us assess the func­tion­al­i­ty and con­tent of the Hub. If you or any­one you know is inter­est­ed in being part of the Hub, or poten­tial con­tacts for dis­sem­i­na­tion please let us know!For more infor­ma­tion, and to share your expe­ri­ences, please con­tact Louise Camp­bell at