Events by Prairie Presenters

October 6, 2021 — Eckhardt-Gramatté Competition

Revis­it our pre-Forum event dur­ing the Eck­hardt-Gra­mat­té Com­pe­ti­tion, where Métis com­pos­er Ian Cus­son dis­cussed his com­mis­sioned com­pe­ti­tion work La Pieta (after Monkman), and Indige­nous Clas­si­cal Music Resur­gence in Canada.

October 20, 2021 — New Music Edmonton

New Music Edmonton’s con­tri­bu­tion to CNMN’s Forum is a new­ly com­mis­sioned pro­gram of sound works curat­ed by Matthew Car­di­nal. A key fig­ure in the Prairies and beyond, Matthew Car­di­nal is well known for his solo work, myr­i­ad col­lab­o­ra­tive projects, and photography.

This orig­i­nal work is aired in the con­text of a spe­cial­ly pro­duced episode of The No Nor­mal, New Music Edmonton’s podcast/radio show. Enti­tled Calm, this episode brings togeth­er three new­ly cre­at­ed works by a stel­lar col­lec­tive of artists: Eliza Nie­miSte­fana Frati­la, and Cîpayak ᒌᐸᕀ (Sarah HouleShane Ghost­keep­er & Brad Hawkins).

Lis­ten to the episode:

November 2, 2021 — New Works Calgary & National Music Centre

The Nation­al Music Cen­tre and New Works Cal­gary present Stingray Clas­si­cal Artist in Res­i­dence: Sarah Davachi. Tune in from Novem­ber 2 at 10am (MDT) on NMC’s Face­book page to access the three-part vir­tu­al stream.

In the Sum­mer of 2021, Cana­di­an elec­troa­coustic com­pos­er and musi­cian Sarah Davachi spent a week as the Nation­al Music Cen­tre’s Stingray Clas­si­cal Artist in Res­i­dence. This per­for­mance is what result­ed from her exper­i­men­ta­tion with sev­er­al his­toric pieces from the NMC’s musi­cal instru­ment collection. 

Watch Instru­men­tal I, Instru­men­tal II & Instru­men­tal III !

November 17, 2021 — Holophon Audio Arts

Holophon Audio Arts presents Prairie Elec­tron­ics: per­for­mances by Doreen Girard and WL Alt­man, with Jon Vaughn and respect­ful­child per­form­ing togeth­er for a one-of-a-kind improvisation.

Watch the per­for­mance that was live streamed at 8 pm EST on Novem­ber 17, 2021!