FORUM 2018 — Locations & Schedule

Please note that these times and loca­tions are still sub­ject to change!


Hotel Le Vic­torin (Vic­to­ri­av­ille) 19 Boule­vard Arthabas­ka Est,
Vic­to­ri­av­ille, QC G6T 0S4
FIMAV venues (Vic­to­ri­av­ille) see FIMAV for lat­est update
Le Nou­v­el Hotel and Spa (Mon­tre­al)  1740 René-Lévesque Blvd W
Mon­tre­al, QC H3H 1R3
Salle J.A. De Seve (Con­cor­dia University) 1400 Boule­vard de Maison­neuve O,
Mon­tréal, QC H3G 1M8
Depart­ment of Music (Con­cor­dia University) 1450 Guy St. MB Build­ing, 8th floor,
Mon­tre­al, Que­bec, Cana­da H3H 0A1
Black Box Dance Stu­dio (Con­cor­dia University) 1450 Guy St. MB Build­ing, 7th floor — MB 7.265,
Mon­tre­al, Que­bec, Cana­da H3H 0A1
MGN Build­ing
GN-M-100 (Con­cor­dia University)
Entrance: 1175 Rue Saint Math­ieu, Mon­tréal, QC H3H 2P7


Thursday, May 17

All activ­i­ties except evening meal and con­certs are at Le Vic­torin Hotel

9:30 AM Le Nou­v­el Hotel and Spa Bus to Victoriaville
12:30 PM Hotel Le Victorin hotel check-in & FORUM registration
1:00 PM Din­ing Room Net­work­ing Lunch
2:00 PM Salle Arthabas­ka Wel­come (Jen­nifer War­ing, Juli­et Palmer & Ter­ri Hron)
2:15 PM Salle Arthabas­ka Dis­cus­sion #1: WHY
Sandeep Bhag­wati
Elke Moltrecht
Will Robinson
Isabel­la Stefanescu
Mod­er­a­tor: Ruth Howard
3:15 PM Vic­to­ria C Por­traits & Pre­sen­ta­tions #1
Luke Nick­el
na Kamu
Mar­celle Hudon
Vic­to­ria D Dis­cus­sion #2: ENSEMBLE
Lin­da Bouchard
Guil­laume Campion
Guil­laume Côté
L’Orchestre des hommes orchestres
Patrick Saint-Denis
Mod­er­a­tor: Sandeep Bhagwati
4:10 PM Hall Vic­to­ria Café Net­work­ing
4:30 PM Salle Arthabas­ka Por­traits & Pre­sen­ta­tions #2
Gabriel Dhar­moo
Evelin Ramón
Lou Sheppard
5:30 PM Hotel Le Victorin Bus to cen­tre, din­ner (not included)
6:45 PM Car­ré 150 FIMAV Open­ing Cocktail
8:00 PM Col­isée Desjardins FIMAV Con­cert 1
10:00 PM FIMAV Con­cert 2
11:30 PM Bus to Hôtel Le Victorin
12:00 AM FIMAV Con­cert 3 (option­al — not includ­ed in Hotel package)
1:30 AM Bus to Hôtel Le Victorin

Friday, May 18

All activ­i­ties except evening con­certs are at Le Vic­torin Hotel

8:30 AM out­side Hotel Le Victorin Activ­i­ty: New Her­mitage Soundwalk
9:30 PM Salle Arthabas­ka Work­shop: Map­ping Com­mu­ni­ty Music Across Canada
10:15 PM Keynote: Hein­er Goebbels
11:00 PM Hall Vic­to­ria Café Net­work­ing
11:30 PM Vic­to­ria C Por­traits & Pre­sen­ta­tions #3
Patrick Saint-Denis
L’Orchestre d’hommes orchestres
William Robinson
Matthias Engler
Vic­to­ria D Por­traits & Pre­sen­ta­tions #4
Christo­pher Willes
Inter Arts Matrix — Isabel­la Stefanescu
Niilo Tarnanen
Guil­laume Côté/Guillaume Campion
1:00 PM Din­ing Hall Net­work­ing Lunch
2:00 PM Vic­to­ria C Por­traits & Pre­sen­ta­tions #5
Jum­blies The­atre — Ruth Howard
Anne Goldenberg
Andrew Balfour
Vic­to­ria D Por­traits & Pre­sen­ta­tions #6
Kiran Bhumber/JP Carter
Acad­e­my of the Arts of the World — Elke Moltrecht
Megu­mi Masaki
3:00 PM Salle Arthabas­ka Dis­cus­sion #3: CULTURES
Andrew Bal­four
Gabriel Dharmoo
Cléo Palacio-Quintin
Lou Sheppard
Lan Tung
Mod­er­a­tor: Jer­ry Pergolesi
3:50 PM Hall Vic­to­ria Café Net­work­ing
4:10 PM Salle Arthabas­ka Dis­cus­sion #4: BETWEEN THE ARTS, BETWEEN PEOPLE
Peter Bur­ton
David Dacks
François Paris
Elke Moltrecht 

Lau­ren Pratt
Thør­b­jørn Thon­der Hansen
Du Yun
Mod­er­a­tor: Pier­rette Gingras
5:30 PM Hall Vic­to­ria FORUM Din­ner
7:15 PM Hôtel Le Victorin Bus to FIMAV venue
8:00 PM St-Christophe-d’Arthabas­ka Church FIMAV Con­cert 1
9:15  Bus to FIMAV venue
10:00 PM Col­isée Desjardins FIMAV Con­cert 2
11:30 PM Bus to Hôtel Le Victorin
12:00 AM FIMAV Con­cert 3 (option­al — not includ­ed in Hotel package)
1:30 AM Bus to Hôtel Le Victorin

Saturday, May 19

9:30 AM Hotel Le Victorin Bus to Montreal
12:00 PM Le Nou­v­el Hotel and Spa hotel check-in, lunch (not included)
1:30 PM De Seve The­atre Foyer Meet­ings with fun­ders (sign-up sheets at reg­is­tra­tion desk)
2:00 PM De Seve Theatre Keynote: Isabelle van Grimde
3:00 PM MB 8th Floor Com­mon Area Café Net­work­ing
3:30 PM MB 8th Floor 101 Por­traits & Pre­sen­ta­tions #7
Lan Tung
Roozbeh Taban­deh
Lin­da Bouchard
MB 8th Floor 135 Dis­cus­sion #5: SOLO
Mar­celle Hudon
Ona Kamu

Megu­mi Masaki
Jacques Poulin-Denis
Mod­er­a­tor: Juli­et Palmer
4:20 PM MB 8th Floor Com­mon Area Café Net­work­ing
4:45 PM De Seve Theatre Por­traits & Pre­sen­ta­tions #8
Con­tem­po­rary Indige­nous Scene — Émi­lie Monnet
Kate­lyn Clark
Jacques Poulin-Denis
Mykalle Bielinski
6:00 PM MB 8th Floor Com­mon Area Meet­ings with pre­sen­ters (sign-up sheets at reg­is­tra­tion desk)
din­ner (not included)
8:00 PM MB 7.265 Dance Black Box Stu­dent Inter­arts Concert
Alex­is Langevin-Tétrault
Jul­lian Hoff & Char­lotte Layec
Felix Del Tredici
Char­lotte Layec, Pierre-Luc Lecours & Myr­i­am Boucher
10:00 PM TBA Post-con­cert Networking

Sunday, May 20

8:30 AM loca­tion TBA Sound­walk: New Hermitage
10:00 AM GN-M-100 Work­shop: Map­ping Com­mu­ni­ty Music Across Canada
10:45 AM Café Net­work­ing
11:00 AM Dis­cus­sion #6: COMMUNITY
Ruth Howard (Jum­blies Theatre)
Émi­lie Mon­net (Indige­nous Con­tem­po­rary Scene)
Luke Nick­el (Clus­ter Festival)
Niilo Tar­na­nen (Kor­vat Auki)
Christo­pher Willes (Pub­lic Recordings)
Matthias Engler (Ensem­ble Adapter)
Mod­er­a­tor: Jer­ry Pergolesi
11:50 AM Café Net­work­ing
12:10 PM Ple­nary Session
1:00 PM End of FORUM


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