FORUM 2018 — Discussions & Activities


Soundwalk: New Hermitage

New Her­mitage will be pre­sent­ing is a silent sound walk in the area sur­round­ing the forum and with stops for three music inter­ludes. Every piece will begin with lis­ten­ing in space before patient­ly and delib­er­ate­ly con­tin­u­ing on to mate­r­i­al that devel­ops from the envi­ron­men­tal tim­bres around the group. Through our per­for­mance we hope to blur the lines between sound med­i­ta­tion, con­cert, and every­day life. With mobi­liza­tion, dis­so­lu­tion, and reunit­ing of the ensem­ble, this for­mat also ques­tions the divide between per­former and audi­ence. Our pre­sen­ta­tion is a way of shar­ing the fun­da­men­tal mind­ful­ness prac­tice that fuels our musi­cal creation.

Workshop: Mapping Community Music across Canada

Com­mu­ni­ty Music, musics made with and by mem­bers of the pub­lic, is a grass­roots move­ment gain­ing momen­tum around the world. Prac­ti­tion­ers devel­op strate­gies unique to their own inter­ests and tal­ents that respond best to peo­ple with whom they are work­ing, pro­duc­ing a mul­ti­plic­i­ty of tech­niques and approach­es. To ful­ly under­stand cur­rent Com­mu­ni­ty Music prac­tices through­out the coun­try, we seek to know what is going on – with whom, what and how Com­mu­ni­ty Music is being made. This intro­duc­tion and work­shop pro­pos­es a map­ping exer­cise and sub­se­quent knowl­edge exchange activ­i­ty to gain an under­stand­ing of cur­rent Com­mu­ni­ty Music prac­tices in Cana­da and beyond.


Discussion #1: WHY

Why is inter-arts prac­tice on the rise in the new music community?

To open FORUM 2018, a dis­cus­sion of inter­dis­ci­pli­nar­i­ty from broad soci­o­log­i­cal, his­tor­i­cal and cul­tur­al per­spec­tives that also touch­es upon the role of new technologies

  • Sandeep Bhag­wati
  • Anne Gold­en­berg
  • Elke Moltrecht (Acad­e­my of the Arts of the World)
  • Will Robin­son
  • Isabel­la Ste­fanes­cu (Inter Arts Martix)

Mod­er­a­tor: Ruth Howard

Discussion #2: ENSEMBLE

What are the essen­tials of a prac­tice between the arts? What leads to suc­cess and how to build mean­ing­ful and fruit­ful works together?

A dis­cus­sion of the prac­ti­cal aspects of pro­gram­ming and per­form­ing inter­dis­ci­pli­nary and col­lec­tive­ly cre­at­ed works.

  • Lin­da Bouchard
  • L’Orchestre des hommes orchestres (2 representatives)
  • Patrick Saint-Denis

Mod­er­a­tor: Sandeep Bhagwati

Discussion #3: CULTURES

Are inter-arts prac­tices par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­ed to cross-cul­tur­al dia­logue, and what kind of dif­fi­cul­ties do they set up?

A dis­cus­sion about cross­ing and cel­e­brat­ing cutures and disciplines.

  • Andrew Bal­four
  • Gabriel Dhar­moo
  • Evelin Ramon
  • Lou Shep­pard
  • Lan Tung

Mod­er­a­tor: Gayle Young

Discussion #4: INTERNATIONAL

This dis­cus­sion will be curat­ed by Pier­rette Gin­gras of Groupe Le Vivi­er, from mem­bers of New Music Car­tel, who will also be hold­ing their annu­al meet­ing par­al­lel to the FORUM. New Music Car­tel is a group of 35+ producers/presenters from Cana­da, Europe and the USA.

More details soon!

Discussion #5: SOLO

In a cul­ture that advo­cates increas­ing spe­cial­iza­tion, how to flour­ish as an artist between dis­ci­plines that require such mul­ti­ple skills and knowledge?

A dis­cus­sion with a range of inde­pen­dent and poly­va­lent artists.

  • Mar­celle Hudon
  • Ona Kamu
  • Megu­mi Masaki
  • Jacques Poulin-Denis

Mod­er­a­tor: Juli­et Palmer

Discussion #6: COMMUNITY

What are the strate­gies and ben­e­fits of inter-arts projects in cre­at­ing greater con­nec­tions with our audi­ences and communities?

A dis­cus­sion with artists and pre­sen­ters deeply embed­ded and invest­ed in com­mu­ni­ty practice.

  • Ruth Howard (Jum­blies Theatre)
  • Émi­lie Mon­net (Indige­nous Con­tem­po­rary Scene)
  • Luke Nick­el (Clus­ter Festival)
  • Niilo Tar­na­nen (Kor­vat Auki)
  • Christo­pher Willes (Pub­lic Recordings)
  • Matthias Engler (Ensem­ble Adapter)

Mod­er­a­tor: Jer­ry Pergolesi