
Want to help pro­mote FORUM 2016 OTTAWA?

Word of mouth, con­cert pro­grammes, web sites, mail­ing lists, social net­works, car­ri­er pigeons… what­ev­er floats your boat! Be it through print or dig­i­tal media, any oppor­tu­ni­ty you have to con­tribute is appreciated.

You can help? Won­der­ful! We’d like to thank you by acknowl­edg­ing your con­tri­bu­tion: please con­tact Geof at

Down­load our adver­tise­ment — égale­ment disponible en ver­sion française. For­mat 4.5 x 7.5 also avail­able, by request.

(1) High res­o­lu­tion PDF for print mate­r­i­al, 7.375″ x 8″ — colour or grayscale

(2) Dig­i­tal media (JPEG):