FORUM 2016

New Music and the Mainstream

Jan­u­ary 14–17, 2016 – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Thank you every­one who attend­ed FORUM 2016! Read the wrap-up arti­cle as well as what atten­dees had to say.

Pre­sent­ed by the Cana­di­an New Music Net­work in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the School of Music at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa, the School for Stud­ies in Art and Cul­ture at Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty, and the Nation­al Arts Cen­tre Orchestra.

We are eager­ly antic­i­pat­ing FORUM 2016 OTTAWA, Canada’s pre­miere new music net­work­ing event held bien­ni­al­ly in a dif­fer­ent city each time. Fea­tur­ing a fas­ci­nat­ing com­bi­na­tion of pre­sen­ta­tions, demon­stra­tions, pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment ses­sions and open dis­cus­sion envi­ron­ments built around a spe­cif­ic theme. CNMN mem­bers pay a reduced reg­is­tra­tion fee – cheap­er than the non-mem­ber reg­is­tra­tion fee even when the cost of CNMN mem­ber­ship is fac­tored in. We aim to attract as many mem­bers of the nation­al new music com­mu­ni­ty as pos­si­ble – please tell every­one you know about it!

Theme: New music and the mainstream

FORUM 2016 exam­ines how new music relates to and func­tions with­in the main­stream. But what is new music? And what is the main­stream? And beyond the rela­tion­ship of new music to main­stream music, how does it relate to soci­ety as a whole?

Oth­er ques­tions might be: what is expressed in the increased blur­ring of bound­aries between prac­tices; what does it say about music, about under­ly­ing eco­nom­ic sys­tems, even about our­selves, that some music is com­mer­cial­ly viable and some is not; what is society’s tol­er­ance for the new, is there some­thing anath­e­ma about new expres­sions in “tra­di­tion­al” musi­cal streams; what do we mean by “rel­e­vance.”

And in a more prac­ti­cal vein: how can new music prac­ti­tion­ers tap into the main­stream; are there alter­na­tives to cur­rent com­mis­sion­ing mod­els; what role do venues play; what oppor­tu­ni­ties open up in a do-it-your­self age.

Should you be there? Yes!

This will be CNMN’s sev­enth nation­al FORUM, and each one is a valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect face to face with peo­ple from across this great big land who believe in the val­ue of the new music expe­ri­ence and seek to pro­mote this val­ue across Cana­da: artis­tic direc­tors, per­form­ers, impro­vis­ers, com­posers, edu­ca­tors, pre­sen­ters, researchers, arts admin­is­tra­tors, artist man­agers, pro­duc­ers, pub­lish­ers, music lovers and more….Everybody is welcome!

The event on Facebook – follow us here!

Contact Us

If you would like to vol­un­teer or help in any way, or if you have ques­tions, please do not hes­i­tate to com­mu­ni­cate with us. Please con­tact

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  • Featured Guests

    Keynote Speaker

    Pauline Oliveros

    Inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed com­pos­er, per­former, human­i­tar­i­an, and pio­neer, Pauline Oliv­eros has forged new ground, writ­ten books, for­mu­lat­ed new music the­o­ries and inves­ti­gat­ed new ways to focus atten­tion on music includ­ing her con­cepts of “Deep Lis­ten­ing” and “son­ic aware­ness.” Her career spans fifty years of bound­ary-dis­solv­ing music mak­ing. She has been vocal about rep­re­sent­ing the needs of indi­vid­ual artists, the need for diver­si­ty and exper­i­men­ta­tion in the arts, and pro­mot­ing coop­er­a­tion and good will among people.

    International Guests



    Trombone Collectief Nederland

    • Koen Kaptijn – Trombonist, Splendor (Amsterdam, NL)


    National Guests


    • Sarah Albu – Vocalist (Montreal, QC)

    • Ruby Kato Attwood – Vocalist • Artist (Montreal, QC)




    Tim Brady

    • Tim Brady – Artistic Director, Bradyworks • Composer • Electric Guitarist • Founder, CNMN (Montreal, QC)

    Kyle Brenders

    • Kyle Brenders – Composer • Multi-Instrumentalist • President, CNMN (Toronto, ON)









    • Jim Hiscott – Composer • Producer • Accordionist • Co-Artistic Director, Groundswell (Winnipeg, MB)

    Frank Horvat




    • Nicole Lizée – Composer (Montreal, QC)





    • David Pay – Founder and Artistic Director, Music on Main • Board member, CNMN (Vancouver, BC)






    • Darcy Spidle – Creative Director / Founder, OBEY Convention (Halifax, NS)



    • Isabella Stefanescu – Visual and Media Artist • Artistic Director, Inter Arts Matrix (Kitchener/Waterloo, ON)


    • Kiya Tabassian – Artistic Director, Constantinople • Composer • Setar (Montreal, QC)




    Check back here, the list keeps grow­ing. (Sub­ject to change with­out pri­or noti­fi­ca­tion — 29 novem­ber 2015).


  • Sessions and Activities

    The theme of the FORUM is New Music and the Main­stream, and we have devel­oped a remark­ably var­ied pro­gram­ming to meet this chal­lenge. The keynote address will be giv­en by Pauline Oliv­eros. Our pan­els include a rich array of per­son­al­i­ties from across Cana­da and abroad, and will cov­er subtopics of pub­lic engage­ment, the inter­play of mod­ern tech­nolo­gies and cul­tures, and orches­tral pro­gram­ming, as well as a dis­cus­sion on the his­to­ry (and future) of CNMN. Our mini-por­trait ses­sions will bring togeth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tives of dis­tin­guished new music pre­sen­ters from Cana­da, France, the U.K. and the Nether­lands, and our call for pro­pos­als has yield­ed a fas­ci­nat­ing set of pre­sen­ta­tions, hands-on work­shops, dia­logues and demon­stra­tions on a vari­ety of topics.



    Pauline Oliveros, Deep Listening – New York

    Root Stream, Main Stream and Global Stream

    Who are we who gath­er in com­mu­ni­ty around new music or exper­i­men­tal music? How do we find each oth­er? Who lis­tens to us and why? These ques­tions will be explored in what I call Root Stream under­stand­ing in rela­tion to Main Stream and Glob­al Stream music.



    PANEL 1 – Concert Experiences in the 21st Century

    How are con­certs evolv­ing? What is the effect of venue or cir­cum­stance on per­for­mance, and on the art form? And what is the effect of venue or cir­cum­stance on the public’s accep­tance of new and unfa­mil­iar kinds of music? What kind of rela­tion­ships are pre­sen­ters devel­op­ing with their audi­ence? These and oth­er ques­tions will be exam­ined by a pan­el of top-flight fig­ures work­ing in a wide range of gen­res, on the Cana­di­an and inter­na­tion­al scenes.

    Jean-François Denis, empreintes DIG­I­TALes – Mon­tre­al, QC
    Véronique Lacroix, Ensem­ble con­tem­po­rain de Mon­tréal (ECM+) – Mon­tre­al, QC
    David Pay, Music on Main – Van­cou­ver, BC
    Craig Ped­er­sen, composer/improviser – Mon­tre­al, QC
    MODERATOR: Jesse Stew­art, SSAC, Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty – Ottawa, ON


    PANEL 2 – New Music and Popular Music

    What new rela­tion­ships exist between these two pre­vi­ous­ly dis­tinct, vir­tu­al­ly mutu­al­ly exclu­sive gen­res? How do fund­ing structures/realities affect the nature of both kinds of music? In what ways are the lines being blurred, and why? What are the impli­ca­tions for mar­ket­ing and audi­ence development?

    Paul Théberge, SSAC, Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty – Ottawa, ON
    Nicole Lizée, com­pos­er – Mon­tre­al, QC
    Rus­sell Smith, The Globe and Mail – Toron­to, ON
    MODERATOR: William Echard, SSAC, Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty – Ottawa, ON


    PANEL 3 – Cultural Context(s) for New Music

    What are the func­tion­al con­texts for the prac­tice of new music? If new music’s roots lie in the Euro­pean clas­si­cal music tra­di­tion, where does it live now as a prac­tice? (Is this assump­tion about its Euro­pean roots even accu­rate?) What is new music’s rela­tion­ship to musi­cal expres­sion of “oth­er” cul­tures? How do dif­fer­ent cul­tures prac­tice their own form of new music, if they do? Does it stem from the musi­cal tra­di­tions of the par­tic­u­lar cul­ture or is it an adop­tion of the Euro­pean clas­si­cal music tra­di­tion? And, is new music just one prac­tice, or is it mul­ti­ple prac­tices – with mul­ti­ple com­mu­ni­ties, and mul­ti­ple contexts?

    Moshe Den­burg, Van­cou­ver Inter-Cul­tur­al Orches­tra – Van­cou­ver, BC
    Kamal Hors, Wind­streken – Ams­ter­dam, NL
    Ben Dietschi, Spec­trum Music – Toron­to, ON
    Melody McK­iv­er, vio­list, media artist – Ottawa, ON
    MODERATOR: Juliana Piva­to,
    artist – Toron­to, ON


    PANEL 4 – New Music and Community Engagement

    Grass roots move­ments, do-it-your­self-ness, cit­i­zen orga­ni­za­tions and the like have all had an effect on how new music artists and orga­ni­za­tions inter­act with the com­mu­ni­ty. What are the sto­ries and suc­cess­es? What are the impli­ca­tions for the art form?

    Ruth Howard, Jum­blies The­atre – Toron­to, ON
    Juli­et Palmer, Urban­ves­sel – Toron­to, ON
    Jesse Stew­art, SSAC, Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty – Ottawa, ON
    MODERATOR: Matthew Fava, Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre – Toron­to, ON


    PANEL 5 – New music and the orchestra: how to make the orchestra relevant

    This pan­el exam­ines the rela­tion­ship of the orches­tra not only to con­tem­po­rary music, but also to our own time. Can an ensem­ble born of 18th cen­tu­ry soci­etal rela­tion­ships tru­ly reflect 21st cen­tu­ry real­i­ties? Con­sid­er­ing the orchestra’s “bread and but­ter” reper­toire, how have they dealt with chang­ing aes­thet­ics? What is their oblig­a­tion to con­tem­po­rary cre­ation? At a time when arts orga­ni­za­tions have to com­pete with tech­nol­o­gy and a myr­i­ad of oth­er enter­tain­ment options for audi­ence, what can orches­tras do to attract the num­bers that a large and expen­sive ensem­ble requires? How might the solu­tion to this prob­lem lie in new music?

    Alexan­der Shel­ley, Nation­al Arts Cen­tre Orches­tra – Ottawa, ON
    Tania Miller, Vic­to­ria Sym­pho­ny – Vic­to­ria, BC
    John Esta­cio, com­pos­er – Edmon­ton, AB
    Jared Miller, com­pos­er – Vic­to­ria, BC
    MODERATOR: Adri­an Fung, Toron­to Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra – Toron­to, ON


    PANEL 6 – A Decade of CNMN: looking back and looking forward

    CNMN’s 10th anniver­sary pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty to look back on its accom­plish­ments and look for­ward to its role in con­tin­u­ing to help the Cana­di­an new music com­mu­ni­ty come togeth­er and deal with the next press­ing issues.

    Aimé Don­tigny, Direc­tor, Music Sec­tion, Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts; CNMN found­ing vice-pres­i­dent (2006) – Ottawa, ON
    Kyle Bren­ders, pres­i­dent, CNMN – Toron­to ON
    Tim Brady, found­ing pres­i­dent (2005–14), CNMN – Mon­tre­al, QC
    Gayle Young, past board mem­ber (2006–8), CNMN – Grims­by, ON
    Lukas Pearse, Upstream Music Asso­ci­a­tion – Hal­i­fax, NS
    MODERATOR: Ellen Water­man, past board mem­ber (2006–7), CNMN – St. John’s, NL



    The mini por­traits pro­vide new music pre­sen­ters a chance to focus on their orga­ni­za­tion. Most of the mini por­traits pair a Cana­di­an pre­sen­ter with an inter­na­tion­al pre­sen­ter to stim­u­late dia­logue across geo­gra­phies and cultures.


    Mini Portrait 1

    Ben Dietschi (Spec­trum Music – Toron­to) + Koen Kap­ti­jn (Splen­dor – Netherlands)


    Mini Portrait 2

    David Pay (Music on Main – Van­cou­ver) + Susan­na East­burn (Sound and Music – U.K.)


    Mini Portrait 3

    Henk Heuvel­mans (Gaudea­mus Muziek­week – Nether­lands) + Sonia Steven­son (Lich­field Fes­ti­val – U.K.)


    Mini Portrait 4

    Isak Gold­schnei­der (Inno­va­tions en con­cert – Mon­tre­al) + Jim His­cott (Groundswell – Winnipeg)


    Mini Portrait 5

    Joe Bates (Filthy Lucre – U.K.) + Dar­cy Spi­dle (OBEY Con­ven­tion – Hal­i­fax, NS)



    Each ses­sion has a theme. Facil­i­ta­tors are there to help, but the ses­sions aim to move atten­dees from observers to active engagers. Par­tic­i­pants are encour­aged to bring their per­son­al expe­ri­ences, knowl­edge, ques­tions and con­cerns sur­round­ing the ses­sion theme, with the inten­tion of cre­at­ing deep­er aware­ness, stronger rela­tion­ships, and sus­tain­able solu­tions with­in local, region­al and nation­al communities.

    Ses­sion One deals with impro­vi­sa­tion: specif­i­cal­ly, how to incor­po­rate it into “com­posed” work.

    Facil­i­ta­tor: Jen­nifer Waring

    Ses­sion Two is a con­tin­u­a­tion of the New Music and its ‘Oth­ers’ activ­i­ty (see below).  It will give time for dis­cus­sion and shared learn­ing across diverse per­spec­tives of gen­der, socio-eco­nom­ic sta­tus, sex­u­al­i­ty and cul­tur­al heritage.

    Facil­i­ta­tors: Juli­et Palmer and Jer­ry Pergolesi

    Ses­sion Three is the Ple­nary Wrap-up. Par­tic­i­pants will decide what press­ing top­ics need fur­ther airing.

    Facil­i­ta­tor: Kyle Brenders


    Addi­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties for net­work­ing and devel­op­ment: we’ve learned that some of the most last­ing part­ner­ships and fol­low up actions from a FORUM come out of the infor­mal pro­gram­ming. So, on each full day of the FORUM there is an infor­mal break specif­i­cal­ly for net­work­ing as well as a social lunch. This is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to car­ry on dis­cus­sion from pan­els and open ses­sions, find out more after lis­ten­ing to a mini-por­trait, pick each other’s brains, share expe­ri­ences, and ini­ti­ate collaboration.



    You won’t want to miss this selec­tion of mini-talks, hands-on work­shops, dia­logues and demonstrations!

    New Music and its ‘Others’: Reviving the mainstream through a diverse musical watershed – Interactive presentation

    The time­line of con­tem­po­rary con­cert music devel­op­ment in Cana­da coin­cides with sec­ond wave fem­i­nism, the civ­il rights move­ment and the gay lib­er­a­tion move­ment. But while these scenes share a chronol­o­gy, diverse voic­es are con­spic­u­ous­ly absent in Cana­di­an new music. This ses­sion inves­ti­gates the struc­tur­al bar­ri­ers that pre­vent diverse musi­cal trib­u­taries from join­ing the main­stream of con­tem­po­rary clas­si­cal (new) music, high­light­ing expe­ri­ences from com­posers, researchers and per­form­ers out­side the nar­row con­fines of the so-called “nor­mal.” Fol­lowed up by an open ses­sion for dis­cus­sion (see above).

    Facil­i­ta­tors: Juli­et Palmer and Jer­ry Pergolesi
    Pre­sen­ters: Mary Ingra­ham (Uni­ver­si­ty of Alber­ta), Dylan Robin­son (Sto:lo Nation; Queen’s Uni­ver­si­ty), and Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa (pianist, Queer Arts Festival).


    Making Contemporary Opera Mainstream – Dialogue

    Erin Bar­d­ua and Mau­reen Batt, vocal­ists and co-founders of Essen­tial Opera (Hal­i­fax, NS), will dis­cuss col­lab­o­ra­tion between cre­ators and pre­sen­ters, and espe­cial­ly the impor­tance of work­ing togeth­er to help new works gain the momen­tum required to enter the main­stream reper­toire. Suc­cess isn’t a light­ning strike – it’s a snowball.


    The Loyalty Debate: Single-ticket sales vs. Subscriptions – Dialogue

    Tim Crouch, direc­tor of mar­ket­ing for Toy Piano Com­posers, advo­cates for a healthy bal­ance between sin­gle-tick­et sales and sub­scrip­tions, bring­ing in his expe­ri­ence from Tafel­musik. Alter­na­tive­ly, TPC’s artis­tic direc­tor and founder Mon­i­ca Pearce presents argu­ments for strength­en­ing resources behind sin­gle-tick­et sales. The goal for both in this debate: to achieve brand and long-term loy­al­ty with audi­ence members.


    Feminism, interdiscipinarity and the voice in new music creation/performance – Performative dialogue

    New music vocal­ist Sarah Albu and mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist and singer Ruby Kato Attwood dis­cuss their expe­ri­ences as inter­preters and cre­ators of new vocal music and exper­i­men­tal per­for­mance across var­i­ous media and gen­res. These two artists find com­mon ground despite per­ceived bor­ders of dis­ci­pline, call­ing into ques­tion the con­struc­tion of a musi­cal hier­ar­chy, the chang­ing def­i­n­i­tion of “new music com­po­si­tion” and the role of the female voice with­in these structures.


    Music as a Catalyst to Bring About Social Change: Going beyond the fundraising concert – Mini-talk and group discussion

    Greek philoso­pher Pla­to stressed the cen­tral­i­ty of music to pol­i­tics. He saw music as an essen­tial com­po­nent of soci­ety because it con­tributed to both indi­vid­ual and soci­etal bal­ance and har­mo­ny. As part of the new music com­mu­ni­ty, we are in a unique posi­tion to ele­vate issues rel­e­vant to our times. How can we col­lab­o­rate and share ideas to ampli­fy our pas­sions and music, and tru­ly be musi­cians that facil­i­tate change? Frank Hor­vat, com­pos­er, pianist, and activist musi­cian (Toron­to, ON) leads the dis­cus­sion with attendees.


    The Sounds of Montreal Project: Inter-Traditional Urban Music – Public interview with Q&A

    Jonathan Gold­man (Cir­cuit, musiques con­tem­po­raines) inter­views Mon­tre­al composer/performers Sandeep Bhag­wati and Kiya Tabass­ian (Mon­tre­al, QC) on ques­tions cen­tral to their Sounds of Mon­tre­al project, and the dif­fer­ences in this project to oth­er inter-tra­di­tion­al ensem­bles. Can mak­ing new music today be at all mean­ing­ful­ly con­ceived as a con­tin­u­a­tion of euro­log­i­cal mod­ernism alone?


    Beside the Mainstream – Mini-talk

    Luke Nick­el, Co-Direc­tor of Clus­ter: New Music + Inte­grat­ed Arts Fes­ti­val (Win­nipeg, MB) dis­cuss­es how the inclu­sion of “oth­er” gen­res does not con­sti­tute involve­ment in the main­stream. He will also dis­cuss what moti­va­tions a pro­gram­mer might have for want­i­ng to inter­act with the main­stream. To con­clude, he will speak about a project for Clus­ter 2016 that does touch the main­stream in a way acces­si­ble to new music pro­gram­mers, and what the ram­i­fi­ca­tions are, both aes­thet­i­cal­ly and logistically.


    The Voices of Drawing – Hands-on workshop

    Visu­al and media artist Isabel­la Ste­fanes­cu (Inter Arts Matrix, Kitchener/Waterloo, ON) leads a hands-on work­shop where par­tic­i­pants learn how to use the Euphonopen for both free and struc­tured impro­vi­sa­tion, as well as how to “com­pose” a draw­ing. The Euphonopen is a device that cre­ates live aleato­ry elec­troa­coustics using the by-prod­uct of mark-mak­ing ges­tures of a per­son who draws or writes.


    Concert music in relation to other performance arts – Mini-talk

    For prac­ti­tion­ers of dance and the­atre (and also of pop­u­lar music) a pro­duc­tion is cre­at­ed spon­ta­neous­ly from the work itself; in oth­er words, the tech­ni­cal, finan­cial and human resources, as well as strate­gies for pro­mo­tion and dis­sem­i­na­tion, are deter­mined in advance as a func­tion of the spe­cif­ic nature of the project. Can it be the same for con­cert music? Com­pos­er and pro­duc­er Simon Mar­tin (Pro­jec­tions libérantes – Mon­tre­al, QC) shares his thoughts on this ques­tion in rela­tion to his con­cert-length work Musique d’art for string quin­tet (2015).


    In Pursuit of Balance – Mini-talk

    How can we achieve a sus­tain­able work-life bal­ance? Is a self-employed artist ever on vaca­tion? The line between work and life can be blurred – espe­cial­ly for artists and arts admin­is­tra­tors. Sopra­no Mau­reen Batt (Hal­i­fax, NS) explores some of the chal­lenges that we face when the bal­ance is off, and offers some solu­tions that might bring you back to the middle.

  • Concerts in Ottawa

    While you’re in Ottawa — new music con­certs sched­uled dur­ing evenings of FORUM 2016.
    Note: Reg­is­ter­ing at the FORUM gives you a dis­count to the the NAC Orches­tra con­cert on Jan­u­ary 15th, and free admis­sion to the Pauline Oliv­eros con­cert on Jan­u­ary 16th.

    Thursday, January 14, 2016

    Mer­cury Lounge — 56 Byward Mar­ket Square
    A co-pre­sen­ta­tion of CKCU, Beau’s All Nat­ur­al and the Mer­cury Lounge

    doors at 8 pm, live music at 9PM
    $5 at the door

    Friday, January 15, 2016 — 7pm

    NAC Southam Hall — 53 Elgin St., Ottawa
    Spir­it Prevails
    Casu­al Fri­days with the NAC Orchestra
    Tick­ets $25 — $97
    25 % dis­count for FORUM 2016 reg­is­trants (pro­mo­tion­al code sent by e‑mail upon registration)

    • Alexan­der Shel­ley, con­duc­tor; Daniel Hope, vio­lin; Don­na Feo­re, director
    • Music by John Esta­cio, Eric Wolf­gang Korn­gold and John Williams
    • More info:

    Saturday, January 16, 2016 – 8pm

    First Bap­tist Church — 140 Lau­ri­er Ave W, Ottawa
    Pauline Oliv­eros per­form­ing with Cana­di­an and inter­na­tion­al musicians
    pre­sent­ed by Ottawa New Music Cre­ators and Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty, School for Stud­ies in Art and Cul­ture (SSAC)
    Tick­ets $20/12
    More info:
    FREE for FORUM 2016 registrants

    • Pauline Oliv­eros on V accordion
    • Ione on vocals
    • Jesse Stew­art on percussion
    • Gayle Young on instru­ments of her own design
    • Craig Ped­er­sen on trumpet
    • Raphael Wein­roth-Browne on cello
    • Koen Kap­ti­jn on trombone
    • Ellen Water­man on flutes

    Saturday, January 16, 2016 – 9pm

    Mer­cury Lounge — 56 Byward Mar­ket Square
    Wolf­GANG: Ses­sion 5

    with mem­bers of the NAC Orchestra

    Check info with venue or pre­sen­ter — sub­ject to change with­out pri­or noti­fi­ca­tion — Jan­u­ary 3, 2016

  • Announcements Page

  • Practical Information

    FORUM 2016 Location

    Perez Build­ing, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa
    610 Cum­ber­land St
    Ottawa, ON
    K1N 1K5


    Please pick up your nametag (aka pass) at the reg­is­tra­tion desk Thurs­day 6pm, or Fri­day and Sat­ur­day morn­ing. The desk will be in the foy­er of the Perez Build­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa. The pass gets you in to all FORUM activ­i­ties and grants you free admis­sion to the con­cert on Sat­ur­day night (Pauline Oliv­eros per­form­ing with Cana­di­an and inter­na­tion­al musi­cians).

    WIFI at the FORUM:

    • Choose net­work: “uot­tawa-WPA
    • Open brows­er (and you should be re-direct­ed to the uOt­tawa page).
    • Login: uo-guest3403
    • Con­fer­ence pass­word: jfn518vp! (case sensitive).

    FORUM Hotel

    LORD ELGIN HOTEL – More info
    100 Elgin Street


    Find all the places men­tioned below on this Google map.

    Zoom in to see the Ottawa Uni­ver­si­ty Cam­pus (in par­tic­u­lar, the loca­tions of the Perez and Des­marais Build­ings) a lit­tle closer!

    Getting Around

    From the airport (YOW) to Lord Elgin Hotel

    The FORUM is not respon­si­ble for air­port pickups.

    Taxi: In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 20 min­utes and will cost, on aver­age, $35. Please be aware that traf­fic lev­els can great­ly fluc­tu­ate and affect the total cost of your trip. Find the taxi stands out­side Arrivals lev­el. All taxis should accept major cred­it cards.

    Ottawa Tran­sit: Ottawa Tran­sit costs $3.55 per ride or $8.50 for a day pass. In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 45 min­utes. Please note that there is a 5 min. walk from the appro­pri­ate bus stop to the hotel.
    Tran­sit trip plan­ner from Ottawa Inter­na­tion­al Air­port to Lord Elgin Hotel


    From Ottawa Inter­na­tion­al Air­port to Lord Elgin Hotel

    From east of the city

    From west and south of the city

    From the Ottawa train station to Lord Elgin Hotel

    Taxi : In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 10 min­utes and will cost, on aver­age, $16. Please be aware that traf­fic lev­els can great­ly fluc­tu­ate and affect the total cost of your trip. Find the taxi stands out­side the front door of the train sta­tion. All taxis should accept major cred­it cards.

    Ottawa Tran­si: Ottawa Tran­sit costs $3.55 per ride or $8.50 for a day pass. In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 25 min­utes. Please note that there is a 5 min. walk from the appro­pri­ate bus stop to the hotel.

    From Lord Elgin to the FORUM

    Walk­ing : Walk­ing time is approx­i­mate­ly 15 minutes. 

    Ottawa Tran­sit: Ottawa Tran­sit costs $3.55 per ride or $8.50 for a day pass. In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 13 minutes. 


    See this link for infor­ma­tion on vis­i­tor park­ing at uOt­tawa. Clos­est to the Perez Build­ing are Brooks, Des­marais, Lots B, C and K, as well as some of the street park­ing men­tioned on the site.

    Coffee & Eating

    Cof­fee shop across the street from the FORUM: Café Nos­tal­gi­ca

    Restau­rants: Byward Mar­ket and Elgin

    Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa Food Services

    Alternative Accommodations

    Extended Stay Canada – Ottawa

    141 rue Coop­er Ottawa ON K2P 0E8

    More Resources

    Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa directions

    City of Ottawa Vis­i­tor Information

    Ottawa pub­lic transportation

    Cam­pus Recreation

  • Language Facilitation

    More infor­ma­tion com­ing soon, please check back!

    CNMN is a bilin­gual orga­ni­za­tion made up of mem­bers who com­mu­ni­cate in both offi­cial lan­guages of Eng­lish and French. As such, our events and com­mu­ni­ca­tions aim to be bilin­gual in nature.

    The lan­guage facil­i­ta­tion pro­gramme is a flex­i­ble way for speak­ers of vary­ing lev­els of French and Eng­lish to com­mu­ni­cate more deeply with one another.

    We are look­ing for peo­ple to act as Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tors at FORUM 2016 to facil­i­tate com­pre­hen­sion for cer­tain attendees.

    Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tors will be expect­ed to attend an ori­en­ta­tion ses­sion (date to be confirmed).

    In exchange for their ser­vices, the first four peo­ple to vol­un­teer as lan­guage facil­i­ta­tors will receive com­ple­men­tary reg­is­tra­tion to the FORUM.

    To vol­un­teer, please con­tact Louise Camp­bell, Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tion Coordinator:

  • Promotion

    Want to help pro­mote FORUM 2016 OTTAWA?

    Word of mouth, con­cert pro­grammes, web sites, mail­ing lists, social net­works, car­ri­er pigeons… what­ev­er floats your boat! Be it through print or dig­i­tal media, any oppor­tu­ni­ty you have to con­tribute is appreciated.

    You can help? Won­der­ful! We’d like to thank you by acknowl­edg­ing your con­tri­bu­tion: please con­tact Geof at

    Down­load our adver­tise­ment — égale­ment disponible en ver­sion française. For­mat 4.5 x 7.5 also avail­able, by request.

    (1) High res­o­lu­tion PDF for print mate­r­i­al, 7.375″ x 8″ — colour or grayscale

    (2) Dig­i­tal media (JPEG):








  • Hotel — group rate


    100 Elgin Street | Ottawa | ON K1P 5K8
    Toll free (com­ing soon)
    Local 613–235-3333
    Fax 613–235-3223

    Book by December 18, 2015

    • Group room and rate avail­abil­i­ty is guar­an­teed until Decem­ber 18, or until the group block is full, whichev­er occurs first.

    How To Book

    • Online: use this BOOKING LINK to access the group rate.
    • By e‑mail: • by phone: 1–800-267‑4298 • Make sure to spec­i­fy Cana­di­an New Music Net­work when call­ing or e‑mailing.

    Group Room Rate — $119* per night

    • King or dou­ble Queen room
    • Com­pli­men­ta­ry inter­net access
    • 42 inch flat screen TV
    • Win­dows that open for fresh air
    • Com­pli­men­ta­ry in-room Cof­fee maker
    • Per­son­al Refrigerator
    • I‑home dock­ing station/alarm clock
    • Bath­tub
    • Hairdry­er
    • In-room safe
    • Iron/Board
    • ‘Stay Green & Save’ eco-program

    *Rate does not include tax­es and fees— 13% HST and 3% DMF (Des­ti­na­tion Mar­ket­ing Fee). Indi­vid­ual reser­va­tions may be can­celled until 4PM on the day of arrival with no penal­ty. After this, can­cel­la­tions are sub­ject to a penal­ty equal to the first night’s stay plus applic­a­ble taxes.

    Hotel Parking

    (com­ing soon)

  • Support Letter & Getting to Ottawa

    Getting to Ottawa

    You’re mak­ing the trip to Ottawa, Cana­da this Jan­u­ary to attend FORUM 2016? Now that’s a great idea!

    Our past 6 nation­al FORUMs were very excit­ing and suc­cess­ful, and the project has proven to be a great way to strength­en ties with peo­ple in the new music field from coast to coast, to make con­nec­tions, to exchange new ideas and to get new projects off the ground.

    Here are a few hints and tips so you don’t break the pig­gy bank:

    • There are good air­fare rates in Jan­u­ary. You’d be sur­prised what is out there! Get them before they go up in price.
    • For those who have resources to apply to their orga­ni­za­tion, insti­tu­tion or uni­ver­si­ty for trav­el or pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment sup­port, we hope you choose FORUM 2016 for one of these appli­ca­tions. We can pro­vide the nec­es­sary let­ter of sup­port for your appli­ca­tion – see below.
    • You may be eli­gi­ble for trav­el fund­ing from your region­al or provin­cial arts coun­cil. Don’t be afraid to call them up and ask! Act quick­ly to be sure you will meet deadlines.
    • You may be eli­gi­ble for a trav­el grant from the Equi­ty Office at the Cana­da Coun­cil. It is for Cana­di­an pro­fes­sion­al artists or arts pro­fes­sion­als with dis­abil­i­ties or who are from cul­tur­al­ly diverse groups (African, Asian, Lati­nAmer­i­can, Mid­dle East­ern or mixed racial descent). More infor­ma­tion:

    Support Letter

    We would like as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble attend­ing FORUM 2016.

    We are ask­ing as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble, from all areas of music: musi­col­o­gy, per­for­mance, music edu­ca­tion, music the­o­ry, com­po­si­tion, music tech­nol­o­gy, media arts, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary arts, etc.

    We can pro­vide the nec­es­sary let­ter of sup­port for your application.

    Con­tact Geof Hol­brook at any time if you need this let­ter, per­son­al­ized with your con­tact info and spe­cif­ic sit­u­a­tion —

    We also warm­ly wel­come your fel­low col­leagues — feel free to speak with them or for­ward this infor­ma­tion. If they are new to CNMN, they can get ori­ent­ed with our bilin­gual PDF brochure for gen­er­al infor­ma­tion about CNMN.

    Thanks for your time and con­sid­er­a­tion. I look for­ward to see­ing you in Ottawa this com­ing January.

    Yours tru­ly,
    Kyle Brenders
    Pres­i­dent — CNMN / RCMN

    (last update: Octo­ber 6, 2015)

  • Team

    Steering Committee

    • Co-Chair: Kyle Bren­ders  — Mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist, com­pos­er, impro­vis­er and arts admin­is­tra­tor (Sound­streams) and pres­i­dent of CNMN since 2014
    • Co-Chair: Jen­nifer War­ing - Free­lance new music con­sul­tant, past Artis­tic Direc­tor of Con­tin­u­um and CNMN board mem­ber since 2014
    • Stacey Brown — Com­pos­er, Adjunct Instruc­tor (UQAM, EMVI), Aca­d­e­m­ic Trans­la­tor, and Board Mem­ber for CNMN since 2012
    • Lori Burns — Pro­fes­sor and Direc­tor of the School of Music
    • Jesse Stew­art - Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor of Music Com­po­si­tion, Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty, Ottawa
    • Ste­fani Tru­ant — Asso­ciate Artis­tic Admin­is­tra­tor, Nation­al Arts Cen­tre Orchestra

    Production and Administration

    • Geof Hol­brook
    • Emi­ly Hall
    • Anan­da X. Suddath
    • Cléo Pala­cio-Quintin
    • Louise Camp­bell
    • François Cou­ture
    • Clé­ment Topping
    • Hali Kraw­chuk (Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa)
    • Julie Fast (Red­house Design)

    MC’s, Time Keepers, Stage Managing, Welcome team (volunteer)

    • Norm Adams
    • Tim Brady
    • Kyle Bren­ders
    • Louise Camp­bell
    • David Pay
    • Alain Per­ron
    • Mengyuan Shi
    • Jesse Stew­art
    • Jen­nifer Waring
    • Po Yeh

    Language Facilitation (volunteer)

    • Louise Camp­bell, coordinator
    • Sarah Albu
    • Michel Beaudry
    • Sandeep Bhag­wati
    • Stacey Brown
    • Alis­sa Cheung
    • Bruno De Cat
    • Jonathan Gold­man
    • Véronique Lacroix
    • Marc-Olivi­er Lamontagne
    • Suzie Leblanc
    • Claire Marc­hand
    • Clemens Merkel
    • Stephanie Moore
    • Fran Slinger­land

    Call for Proposals — jury

    • Stacey Brown (QC), chair
    • André Cormi­er (NB)
    • Hei­di Ouel­lette (MB)
    • Christo­pher Reiche (BC)
  • Call For Proposals — FORUM 2016

    Note: dead­line is now passed.

    Thank you to everyone who responded to our open call for proposals.

    In July 2015, the Cana­di­an New Music Net­work launched a CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the 7th nation­al FORUM being held Jan­u­ary 14 to 17, 2016 in Ottawa.

    We received 19 appli­ca­tions from all around the coun­try, rep­re­sent­ing a great vari­ety of cre­ative inter­ests. The com­pe­ti­tion was very strong.  A bilin­gual inde­pen­dent jury com­posed of a diverse group of five new music pro­fes­sion­als from across Cana­da reviewed every appli­ca­tion, and they remarked on the con­sis­tent­ly high, pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty of the sub­mis­sions. After the jury made their short list of top rec­om­men­da­tions, the steer­ing com­mit­tee took this list and tried to inte­grate as many of them as pos­si­ble into the sched­ule. Faced with only so many time slots avail­able, and so many won­der­ful pro­pos­als, it was a dif­fi­cult task indeed.

    The fol­low­ing peo­ple were invited:

    The Cana­di­an New Music Net­work has launched a CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the 7th nation­al FORUM being held Jan­u­ary 14 to 17, 2016 in Ottawa.


    Pro­pos­als should build around the under­stand­ing of the following:

    (1) We’re look­ing for pro­gram­ming pro­pos­als from every­one! The goal of our FORUMs is to cre­ate greater net­work­ing and devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for the entire new music com­mu­ni­ty – artis­tic direc­tors, per­form­ers, impro­vis­ers, com­posers, edu­ca­tors, pre­sen­ters, researchers, arts admin­is­tra­tors, artist man­agers, pro­duc­ers, pub­lish­ers and all oth­er new music practitioners.

    (2) The FORUM is nei­ther an aca­d­e­m­ic con­fer­ence nor an arts market/showcase; it’s a hybrid that seeks to cre­ate con­nec­tions for every­one work­ing in the new music field. Con­sult our web site for infor­ma­tion on pre­vi­ous FORUMs.

    (3) The FORUM 2016 theme is New Music and the Main­stream, which can be tak­en in many diverse direc­tions: the inter­sec­tions between the pop­u­lar and the not-so-pop­u­lar; the mech­a­nisms and process­es behind the dis­tri­b­u­tion, con­sump­tion and pro­mo­tion of main­stream and new music; ques­tions about soci­ety as a whole, and much more. Con­sult the front-page sec­tion for fur­ther ideas relat­ed to the theme. If you have a burn­ing issue, demon­stra­tion, work­shop or oth­er type of activ­i­ty along the lines of the theme to pro­pose, please send it in. Even if you have a fab­u­lous idea that’s not theme-relat­ed, shoot that our way too. We’re very open and are look­ing for a wide diver­si­ty of proposals.


    15 min., 30 min., or 45 min. time slots are available.

    What for­mats to use for what time slots? Here are just some ideas:

    15 min. slots:

    • A pas­sion­ate mini-talk – about your research, expe­ri­ences or ideas.
    • A pub­lic con­ver­sa­tion or inter­view between two inter­est­ing people.
    • A per­for­mance-demon­stra­tion (but not a concert).
    • Guide a quick & sim­ple bond­ing activ­i­ty that pro­vides atten­dees oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know each oth­er in a dif­fer­ent way oth­er than talk­ing. A great way to refresh everyone’s ener­gy between the “blah blah blah” that takes place. This could include musi­cal improv or some­thing entire­ly different.

    30 or 45 min. slots:

    • A hands-on work­shop that teach­es atten­dees some­thing interesting.
    • Mod­er­at­ing a group activ­i­ty that encour­ages direct par­tic­i­pa­tion of FORUM atten­dees around a spe­cif­ic goal.
    • Facil­i­tat­ing a net­work­ing activ­i­ty for atten­dees to get feed­back or engage oth­ers regard­ing their projects or interests.


    • Include time for Q & A or open dis­cus­sion, when appropriate.
    • No panels/round tables: these are already being programmed.


    • Slots are lim­it­ed. The FORUM 2016 steer­ing com­mit­tee makes pro­gram­ming deci­sions – all deci­sions are final.
    • Activ­i­ties involv­ing mul­ti­ple peo­ple: all par­ties must con­sent and take part in the application.
    • Appli­cants whose pro­pos­als are accept­ed will be required to reg­is­ter for the FORUM.


    Sub­mis­sion dead­line Sep­tem­ber 4, 2015

    Email your sub­mis­sion to Emi­ly Hall –
    Include, as ONE PDF FILE:

    • Con­tact information
    • 1‑page out­line (indi­cate time slot dura­tion as well as format)
    • 200 word bio(s)
    • List of tech­ni­cal require­ments (equip­ment you will need, how much space, how much set-up time)
    • Equip­ment & pro­duc­tion bud­get (if applicable)
    • IMPORTANT: We do not accept oth­er attach­ments or down­loads. If nec­es­sary, pro­vide direct links to stream­ing audio or video (Sound­cloud, YOUTUBE, Web­site, etc.). ie. NO drop­box link or MP3 email attachment.

    Accep­tance noti­fi­ca­tion: Oct. 15, 2015.

    p.s. Please help spread the news. Share this web page URL through email, social media, newslet­ters, etc.. A bilin­gual print-friend­ly announce­ment is avail­able — FORUM 2016 OPEN CALL (PDF) — for doors, notice boards, etc..

  • Acknowledgements

    CNMN would like to thank the fol­low­ing orga­ni­za­tions for help­ing to pro­mote this year’s FORUM:


    Cana­di­an League of Com­posers (fea­tured the FORUM in their Zoom In newsletter)

    Groundswell (includ­ed our pro­mo in the mail­ing for their con­cert, Pianist Daan Van­der­walle and The Dev­il’s Stair­case)

    Music on Main (includ­ed our pro­mo in the pro­gram for the Mod­u­lus Fes­ti­val)

    Trans­mis­sion Ensem­ble and Chapelle his­torique du Bon-Pas­teur (includ­ed our pro­mo in the con­cert pro­gram of their Crip­pled Sym­me­try concert)

    Pro­duc­tions Super­Musique (includ­ed our pro­mo in the pro­gram for their con­cert, Phè­dre de racine, sans paroles)

    West­ern Front New Music for pro­mot­ing the FORUM in mul­ti­ple mailings.


    Also, thanks again to our spon­sors and partners:



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    Canada Council for the Arts

  • Timetable — new!

    All rooms are at Perez Hall,  locat­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa — 50 Uni­ver­si­ty St, Ottawa, ON, Canada

    Room Map Key

    FH Freimann Hall
    F FOYER, Perez Hall
    OR Orches­tral Rehearsal Room (Room 109)
    113A Room 113A (large sem­i­nar room)
    220 Room 220 (class­room)
    221 Room 221 (class­room)
    TBA To be announced

    Note: Room loca­tions and sched­ule are sub­ject to change with­out pri­or noti­fi­ca­tion (Decem­ber 14, 2014).

    For more detailed pro­gramme infor­ma­tion, visit:

    For the morn­ing and after­noon net­work­ing breaks and the din­ner breaks – con­sult the list of cafés and restau­rants on our Prac­ti­cal Infor­ma­tion page.

    Thursday, January 14

    start end
    6:00 PM 7:00 PM Reg­is­tra­tion (F) + Ice­break­er (FH)
    7:00 PM 8:00 PM Net­work Devel­op­ment Ses­sion 1 — open ses­sion (FH) TOLOrk hands-on demon­stra­tion (113A)

    Friday, January 15

    start end
    8:00 AM 9:00 AM Reg­is­tra­tion (F)
    9:00 AM 9:15 AM Wel­come (FH)
    9:15 AM 10:15 AM Pan­el 1 – Con­cert expe­ri­ences of the 21st cen­tu­ry (FH)
    10:15 AM 10:45 AM Mini por­trait 1 — Spec­trum + Splen­dor (113A)
    10:45 AM 11:00 AM Mini talk – Luke Nick­el: Beside the Mainstream
    11:00 AM 11:45 AM Mud Lake Sym­pho­ny — stu­dents of Regi­na Street Pub­lic School led by Jesse Stew­art (FH)
    11:45PM 12:45 PM PANEL 2 – New Music and Pop­u­lar Music (FH) Hands-on work­shop – Isabel­la Ste­fanes­cu: The Voic­es of Drawing
    12:30 PM 2:00 PM Net­work­ing Lunch 1 (includ­ed with reg­is­tra­tion) (GH)
    2:00 PM 2:30 PM Mini Por­trait 3 — Sound­streams (GH)
    2:30 PM 3:30 PM Pan­el 3 — Music and 21st Cen­tu­ry Media: the broad­er con­nec­tion (GH)
    3:30 PM 3:45 PM Mini talk — Mon­i­ca Pearce: Good House­keep­ing — Some thoughts on Per­son­al Admin­is­tra­tion (GH)
    3:45 PM 4:15 PM After­noon Break 1
    4:15 PM 5:15 PM Open Ses­sion 1 — Unsi­lenc­ing: Women and their Place in New Music and Sound Art (GH)
    5:15 PM 7:15 PM Din­ner Break 1 (not included)
    7:15 PM 8:00 PM Pre-con­cert talk 1 (GH)
    8:00 PM Land’s End Ensem­ble Con­cert (EG)
    $10 tick­ets avail­able with your FORUM pass. Recep­tion to follow.
    10:00 PM approx. After Hours Impro­vi­sa­tion 1 (GH)
    Want to play? Con­tact
    Free — Pub­lic welcome

    Saturday, January 16

    start end
    8:00 AM 9:00 AM Reg­is­tra­tion (F)
    9:00 AM 9:45 AM Open Ses­sion 2  — Earn­ing a liv­ing in new music
    *Project Room (EV)    *Gen­er­al Dis­cus­sion Room ℠
    9:55 AM 10:05 AM Mini demo-dis­cus­sion — Car­men Braden: Sound-telling: Sto­ry­telling through sound, speech, and music (GH)
    10:05 AM 10:20 AM Mini talk — Simon Mar­tin: Project-Based vs. Sea­son­al Pro­gram­ming (GH)
    10:25 AM 10:45 AM Mini per­for­mance & dis­cus­sion — Scott Godin, Lael John­ston & the Chester­mere High­school Drum­line: oh my gol­ly! (EG)
    10:45 AM 11:00 AM Morn­ing Net­work­ing Break
    11:00 AM 11:15 AM Mini demo-work­shop — Shawn Mativet­sky: New Music for the Tabla of North India: Issues of Com­po­si­tion and Per­for­mance Prac­tice (GH)
    11:15 AM 11:30 AM Mini talk & dis­cus­sion — Jen Black­well & Mike Roma­ni­ak: Cross­ing Bor­ders: The Com­posers Project and Cana­di­an Music (GH)
    11:30 AM 12:30 PM Pan­el 5 — Pub­lic inter­ac­tion: engag­ing in dia­logue, open­ing the doors (GH) Pan­el 4 — Fes­ti­vals: go deep or go long? (EV)
    12:30 PM 2:00 PM Net­work­ing Lunch 2 (includ­ed with reg­is­tra­tion) (GH)
    2:00 PM 3:45 PM KEYNOTE PANEL (GH)
    3:45 PM 4:15 PM After­noon Net­work­ing Break 2
    4:15 PM 4:45 PM Mini Por­trait 4 — Clus­ter + Lon­don Sin­foni­et­ta (HR) Open Ses­sion 3 — Net­work devel­op­ment & music dissemination
    *Project Room (EV)
    *Gen. Disc. Room ℠
    4:45 PM 5:15 PM Mini Por­trait 5 — Music Gallery + Miller The­atre (HR)
    5:15 PM 7:15 PM Din­ner Break 2 (not included)
    8:00 PM U of C Dis­cov­ery Series Con­cert (EG)
    $10 tick­ets avail­able at the door with your FORUM pass.
    10:00 PM approx. After Hours Impro­vi­sa­tion 2 (GH)
    Want to play? Con­tact
    Free — Pub­lic welcome

    Sunday, January 17

    start end
    10:30 AM 12:00 PM Open Ses­sion 4 — Music education
    *Project Room (EV)        *Gen­er­al Dis­cus­sion Room ℠


  • Timetable

    The offi­cial FORUM 2016 timetable is in process.

    In the mean­time, here is a gen­er­al idea to help with your trav­el arrange­ments to Ottawa.

    To take in the full FORUM, plan to arrive in time for Thurs­day evening, and to leave Sun­day after­noon (flights, trains or bus­es with depar­ture times of 3:30 pm or lat­er would be very safe).

    Thurs­day, 14 Jan­u­ary 2016
    FORUM 2016 opens at 6pm with reg­is­tra­tion and an ice-break­er activity.

    Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, 15 & 16 Jan­u­ary 2016
    Activ­i­ties start right away in the morn­ing (9 am), and con­tin­ue through­out the day, end­ing with evening concerts.

    Sun­day, 17 Jan­u­ary 2016
    The morn­ing sched­ule is full, but we plan to con­clude by 12:30 pm.

    Ques­tions? Con­tact Geof –