Location, Hotel, Group Rate, Map

Conference Location

The Sir James Dunn Theatre
Dal­housie Arts Centre
6101 University
Hal­i­fax, NS, Canada

Hotel (and Group Rate)

Atlanti­ca Hotel Halifax
1980 Robie Street
Hal­i­fax, NS B3H 3G5, Canada
Toll Free: 1–888-810‑7288


Group rate: $90 per night (up to quad occu­pan­cy), Jan 7–9. Book your room using the code CNM. Block of rooms is held for book­ings until Decem­ber 8, upon which group rate remains but is sub­ject to avail­able vacan­cy. Sim­plest method to book is by phone.


For your con­ve­nience, refer to these loca­tions on the Google map. You will find both the Forum (A) and hotel (B) locations.

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