New Music and Media: Getting the Message Out
February 10 and 11, 2007
The Fairmont Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Two days of discussions, workshops and networking designed to demystify and promote new music to the media and a wider public
Presented by Canadian New Music Network
Hosted and Co-presented by Groundswell
In collaboration with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
Saturday, February 10
Defining New Music8:30am Registration 9:00am — 9:15am Welcome 9:15am — 10:15am Guest Speaker — Kyle Gann: “From Hits to Niches” 10:15am — 10:30am Break 10:30am — 12:30pm Panel Discussion — “The Importance of New Music — Our View Versus the Media View”
Moderator — Tim Brady, Morley Walker (Winnipeg Free Press), Gayle Young (Musicworks, editor), John Oliver (Earsay Productions), Mark Steinmetz (CBC), Tamara Bernstein (The Globe and Mail)12:30pm — 2:00pm Networking Lunch 1 2:00pm — 4:00pm Panel Discussion — “Re-Presenting New Music”
T Patrick Carrabré (WSO Composer-in-Residence), Michel Levasseur (Victoriaville International New Music Festival), Réjean Beaucage (La Scena Musicale, new music editor), Jonathan Bunce (The Music Gallery), Paul McNally (McNally Robinson Booksellers)8:00pm WSO New Music Festival Concert: Do Orchestras Dream of Egyptian Sheep?
Tickets for this event, or passes for the festival can be purchased from the WSOSunday, February 11
New Music Touring9:30am — 11:30am Panel Discussion — “Integrating Media into a Successful Canadian Tour”
Roger Admiral, Shirley Elias (Manitoba Conservatory, formerly Debut Atlantic), DB Boyko (The Western Front), Paul Cram (Halifax), Walter Boudreau (SMCQ)11:30am — noon CALQ Presentation
Stéphane Roy (officer)noon — 1:15pm Networking Lunch 2 1:15pm — 2:30pm Workshop 1: New Music and Digital Distribution Technologies
Presenter: Jean-François Denis (empreintes DIGITALes, La Liste, — 4:15pm Workshop 2: How to Maximize Media Impact With a Limited Budget
Presenter: Jackie Schreyer (formely WO Media Relations4:30pm — 5:00pm Closing Plenary 8:00pm WSO New Music Festival Concert: Voices of the Land
Tickets for this event, or passes for the festival can be purchased from the WSOAll panel discussions and workshops will be in English.
Guest Speaker
Kyle Gann
Kyle Gann, born 1955 in Dallas, Texas, is a composer and has been new music critic for the Village Voice (1986–2005). Since 1997 he has taught music history and theory at Bard College. He is the author of The Music of Conlon Nancarrow (Cambridge University Press, 1995) and American Music in the 20th Century (Schirmer Books, 1997). A collection of his Village Voice columns titled Music Downtown is forthcoming (University of California Press).
Gann studied composition with Ben Johnston, Morton Feldman, and Peter Gena, and his music is often microtonal, using up to 37 pitches per octave. His rhythmic language, based on differing successive and simultaneous tempos, was developed from his study of Hopi, Zuni, and Pueblo Indian musics. His music has been performed on the New Music America, Bang on a Can, and Spoleto festivals. He received a 1994 commission from Music in Motion for his Astrological Studies, and in 1996–97 a National Endowment for the Arts Individual Artists’ Fellowship. A 2001 commission from the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir resulted in Transcendental Sonnets, a 35-minute work for choir and orchestra, and he is currently writing a trilogy of microtonal chamber operas with librettist Jeffrey Sichel, called The Hudson River Trilogy. The first opera,Cinderella’s Bad Magic, was premiered in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
In addition to Bard, Gann has taught at Columbia University, Brooklyn College, the School of the Art Instutute of Chicago, and Bucknell University. His writings include more than 2000 articles for over 35 publications, including scholarly articles on La Monte Young (in Perspectives of New Music), Henry Cowell, Mikel Rouse, and other American composers. He writes frequently for Chamber Music magazine and the New York Times, and he was awarded the Stagebill Award (1999) and Deems-Taylor Award (2003) for music criticism. Also in 1999, his compact disc Custer’s Ghost was released on the Monroe Street label. In 2003, the American Music Center awarded Gann its Letter of Distinction, along with Steve Reich, Wayne Shorter, and George Crumb.
his blog PostClassic is online since August 2004.
The Canadian New Music Network
The Canadian New Music Network (CNMN) was formed in 2005 in order to promote the value of all forms of creative concert music in Canada. One of the CNMN’s major goals is to increase networking amongst composers, performers, ensembles, presenters, promoters, educators, journalists and others interested in a vital new music community.
GroundSwell is Manitoba’s only chamber music series devoted exclusively to the presentation of new music. Since its debut 16 years ago, GroundSwell has cultivated and supported Canadian and International new music in season after season of diverse and strikingly varied programming. Under the artistic direction of Therese Costes, Jim Hiscott, Michael Matthews, Diana McIntosh and David R. Scott, GroundSwell showcases a wide range of styles and genres of contemporary music.
- More details on the web site at
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra / New Music Festival
Join Maestro Alexander Mickelthwate and the WSO for the 16th Annual International New Music Festival in Winnipeg this February 10th — 16th! The festival will feature Distinguished Guest Composers Christos Hatzis and Jennifer Higdon, along with artists and composers from around the world.
This seven-day event will explore contemporary classical music from the thought-provoking and reflective to the fringes and “in your face”. Along with the festival experiences audiences have come to know and love, such as the Festival Café (the nightly party) and the Lecture Series, the 2007 festival will feature many new experiences you won’t want to miss!
- Festival Passes and individual tickets available at WSO Patron Services, Centennial Concert Hall, 555 Main Street, (204) 949‑3999, or online at