AGM Friday, Oct. 16
Public Engagement in Schools — Lindsay Place
Open a space for CNMN
VOTE on October 19th
President’s Report – Season 2014–15
Reports from the CNMN Committees, Season 2014–15
Please join CNMN’s board of directors and staff for a friendly and informative meeting about CNMN.
Friday, October 16 at 2 PM EST
Your presence at the Annual General Meeting helps support CNMN’s mission, and helps show engagement by the network’s members. Following the AGM, the CNMN board and committee members will be available to talk about what’s in store this year and the future.
Attend in-person at one of four locations in simultaneous communication: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. Or, attend remotely.
FORUM 2016 is currently under development, and we’re working hard to make it the most interesting and revitalizing 3 days of professional development and networking. We’re pleased to announce the keynote guest is Pauline Oliveros!Check back here as we continue to update and add to the information.
The FORUM is a special breed. If you or your colleagues haven’t experienced one before, get a feel for it with Emily Hall’s introduction here (it was for FORUM 2014, but the same holds true).
FORUM 2016 OTTAWA will take place January 14–16. We know, that’s three months away, but are you thinking of coming?
Getting to Ottawa
Planning ahead, now that’s a great idea! Need some ideas on how to get there? Visit our support letter page.
Help us grow interest
Planning can take time and we would like as many people as possible attending, so we are asking as many people as possible – now. Everyone is welcome. So far, the reception is looking good. Please help us spread the news:
Word of mouth, concert programmes, web sites, social networks, carrier pigeons… whatever floats your boat!
If you have an opportunity, make use of our ad in print or digital media, available for download on the promotion page.
Part of the “Public Engagement Success Stories” series
By Louise Campbell
Public engagement in the arts includes people of all ages and backgrounds. For me, this is what makes public engagement exciting — so many diverse people coming together, finding common ground to make music. I was reminded of this again when I was giving a series of improv workshops titled ‘Playing the Music Game’ at Lindsay Place High School in Pointe Claire, Quebec. I am fortunate to offer these workshops through Quebec’s Culture in Schools program, a program that offers subsidies to elementary and secondary schools to have an artist in residence. This program makes it possible for schools, and by extension for students, to have access to experiences in the arts that would not be possible otherwise.
Lindsay Place High School is particular in that it has a very diverse student population. LP is also a designated resource school, meaning it caters to students with different learning needs and abilities. Walking into a workshop setting at LP meant meeting a group of students who had varying levels of ability and experience on their musical instrument ranging from having just picked up their instrument 2 months previously to playing in the specialized Arts Etude program for 5 years. What’s the easiest way to get a group of people like this to make music together? Improvise! We’ve all got our own ways of going about doing this; what I am interested in sharing here is the feedback from the students and teacher.
In their words
An honours student in Secondary V (Gr. 11):
“This experience opened up my eyes to the creativity and originality involved in this area of music. My perspective on improvisation has changed drastically!”
A student on the autism spectrum in Secondary III (Gr. 8), quite simply:
“It was fun!” This comment was put into perspective later when I realized that music class was not normally fun for him, since he usually sat in class holding the instrument and not playing because he didn’t want to ‘annoy’ the other students or make the band sound ‘bad.’ He was thrilled to be able to play and improvise by throwing out the idea of ‘wrong’ notes.
The teacher, an accomplished performer and educator herself:
“It was wonderful to see my band students gain quick confidence with using improvisational techniques, especially since some of them are otherwise shy.… I was impressed with their zeal to make (the music) their own.”
As we all know, music touches people in many ways. These workshops were a good reminder for me about why I do music in the first place, and why public engagement is so important.
We’re always on the lookout for more success stories
If you have heard of or participated in an initiative you have found particularly inspiring surrounding the issue of public engagement, please contact Louise Campbell –
We have a new ad! Do you have promotional space? Please help spread the word about the Canadian New Music Network. Be it through print or online, any opportunity you have to contribute is appreciated!
Download the AD (English or French) in the media section of our web site.
The 2015 Federal Election is fast approaching. As a member of the Canadian Arts Coalition, CNMN encourages you to make use of the CAC’s toolkit to help you follow what’s happening with the arts this election, including Federal Parties’ Positions on Arts and Culture. Tips for issues to bring up with candidates, arts facts, and social media tools will help you get in on the action!
This is my first president’s report, and the first that doesn’t come from the founding president. 2014–15 was a great year with the work spread out in a strange way that makes it feel like it’s been years and not months.
I’ve spent much of this year trying to really understand what the role of the president is in this organization. It’s been difficult when you’re replacing the person that founded the organization and gave it a strong push for 9 years (is that the right number?). I’m not Tim nor do I have the seemingly limitless energy that he has to put towards CNMN and I apologize if it feels like my work with CNMN has been silent for a few months. But I assure you it hasn’t and it’s been a lot of work behind the scenes trying to find my own direction.
1. Board Renewal
3. FORUM 2016 Planning
4. Other Projects
5. Going Forward
Board Renewal
A new 2‑year term launched season 2014–15, and this brought several new faces to the board of directors, as well as two new faces to the executive committee. It’s been wonderful finding ways to work with each board member, to hear their input on a number of our projects. It’s tricky trying to connect everyone across the country but we’re doing it! I can’t thank everyone enough for their support and I look forward to the next year with them.
CNMN at CAPACOA — New Music Initiative 2015
As CNMN continues to find new ways to outreach, and new ways to affect change, the inaugural edition of CNMN’s New Music Initiative (NMI 2015) has us off to a great start, allowing CNMN to seek different entry points with new communities and with a wider national context.
CNMN partnered with CAPACOA as guest curator at their conference in January 2015 in Halifax. Over 30 CNMN members converged with over 200 delegates, many of whom were stakeholders from the national and international touring performing arts sector, including 120+ CAPACOA members.
CNMN curated a number of activities with the intention of introducing new music to the broader performing arts presenters in Canada. All of the events took place on January 22nd to really bolster our presence at the conference.
CNMN designed three events that brought together both its membership and, importantly, the larger presence of delegates. The idea was to share knowledge and to get to know each other better so that the dialogue is no longer about “us” and “them” but about sharing goals and challenges as a larger body of artistic practitioners. The idea is that by working together, new music in Canada can become more integrated with mainstream presenting.
The first of the activities was a panel with Lawrence Cherney, VéroniqueLacroix, Gregory Oh and Tim Crofts, and myself as moderator. The intention was that presenters in the room, unaccustomed to our work, might consider new music in their halls and series if they were able to see a broad picture of how new music is presented in our community. The hall was packed, with standing room even taken, even with an equally interesting event being programmed at the same time. We must have been doing something right to attract people’s attention! Possibly the most effective of our presentations was the critical response workshop that included a performance of Gabriel Dharmoo’s Anthropologies Imaginaires. Following the performance, the audience was taken through a formal Critical Response workshop that you might use after any type of performance to engage the audience with the work beyond a simple “i like it” or “i hate it” response. There was a very large turnout of participants, sitting in the round, who all became contributors to a meaningful, in-depth observation and reflection. This was lead by Tim Yerxa (Fredericton Playhouse) and Judy Harquail (Ontario Presents). We closed the day of events with a showcase of Eve Egoyan and David Rokeby, Saint Petersburg (Tim Crofts and Norm Adams) and Quatuor Bozzini. These performances were designed to give a sample of what our members can offer.
In addition to these activities we were able to invite and financially support a whopping 30 f CNMN members to attend the conference, to connect with other presenters and to discuss possible projects. CNMN members also had the opportunity to take in all the other conference activities that CAPACOA had planned. It was just as important, as part of the NMI concept, for CNMN members to participate in the other conference activities. They had the opportunity to participate in the one-on-one session with international participants from the Export Buyers Program, the networking lunches, and more. CNMN was also co-planner of a closed Inter-network session where CNMN members met with dance networks to hear about the excellent work they’ve done with presenters around the understanding and presenting of contemporary dance, and how this could apply in different ways to new music.
We were thrilled to have so many CNMN ambassadors of Canadian new music, experts in the field, who not only represented their own work but also represented the broader picture of New Music in Canada at the conference. As an organization, we can set up the programming, but the person-to-person interactions are what make the connections, and members really brought energy and enthusiasm and a willingness to strike up a conversation with fellow delegates about what they do and about the exciting things their peers are doing in their regions of the country. Check out what they had to say about the NMI 2015 experience on our web site.
We hope this is the beginning of a long-term relationship with the broader community of arts presenters in Canada.
FORUM 2016 Planning
A great FORUM 2016 Steering Committee was formed made up of Jesse Stewart (Carleton University), Stefani Truant (NAC), Tim Brady, Stacey Brown and Lori Burns (uOttawa), co-chaired by myself and Jennifer Waring. As the 2014–15 season progressed, planning revved up substantially, including an open call for proposals launched in July. The biggest push continues, and we hope to be able to release more details soon. A FORUM 2016 web page is already up, under development. It will continue to grow and is expected to be as informing as our past FORUM pages, so feel free to check it out from time to time. You can learn a little more about what’s in the works for FORUM 2016 in Jennifer Waring’s FORUM Steering Committee Report. So, save the date, January 14–17, 2016 in Ottawa! I hope to see you all there.
Other Projects
Last season, we began initial discussions with IAMA to be part of the November 2016 meeting that will be held in Toronto. We had a very successful partnership back in 2013 when they held their conference in Montreal. What our role will be is still to be determined but we hope to be able to at the least, create a showcase series like we did last time. Check out more information about that project on our web site.
At the FORUM this year we will be hosting some private sessions with our members to discuss the creation and implementation of a touring network that will be facilitated through CNMN. How this will be devised will come out of member consultation so please stay tuned for more info. We will present our findings on the final day of the FORUM (another reason to attend!).
Going Forward
I want this organization to serve its members. I hope the touring network initiative will be able to connect our members through the actual process of creating and sharing our work together.
CNMN needs to know what you need and how it can serve these needs. CNMN’s board of directors and myself can only support activities that we know our members need. We need to hear from you. Contact your regional representative and have a discussion, or send me an email. Our doors our open. Please let us know how to serve you better.
What are committees and who is on them? Since 2009, various committees have formed, sometimes on a casual basis, sometimes on a more continuous basis. They exist to focus-in on particular issues – around areas of concern for the new music community at large (such as the Public Engagement Committee and the Digital Content Initiative) or CNMN in particular (such as the Language Facilitation Committee). Or, they can be based around a particular upcoming activity (such as the FORUM 2016 Steering Committee). Anyone can be on a committee, but one representative from the Board of Directors (see our web site) is required. Members can propose other committees to a member of the board.
Since last fall, the Digital Content Initiative (DCI) has made many more connections and has been building the program. By July 2015 we finished work on the finalized, detailed program that we will be presenting to our various funders late this fall, 2015. Funders do not fund just “an idea,” they want to see very specific details. So, this groundwork was essential in order to provide a very concrete, fundable proposal with program criteria, funding structures, draft budgets, and more. This work is done.
We had detailed programming meetings with partners in both Montreal and Toronto, fine-tuning the PowerPoint presentation and getting general feed back on our project. The Canada Council invited Tim Brady to the Classical:NEXT conference, May 2015 in Rotterdam, to give a presentation on the project. Several of the conference delegates were very interested in the project, and we are maintaining these international connections.
In July 2015, Tim Brady was also invited to present the project at the Banff Opera Colloquium (organized by The opera community is very keen on this idea, though their primary technical problem is a very rigid Actor’s Equity Union and this will make it very difficult for Opera to work with us. But they will try! In general, the Canadian Federation of Musicians supports this project, and has a very reasonable understanding of the economic of the specialised music sector.
In July 2016, representatives of the DCI met with both Canadian Heritage and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) about the project.
The Canadian Heritage meeting was quite positive (a better tone than the meeting 2.5 years ago which set this process going!). They seem to have a better grasp of the situation, and the erosion at CBC /RSC is now ultra-clear to everyone. But – we are in an election period – there are NO new government programs whatsoever being discussed until after October 19th. Our strategy will change considerably, depending on who is in power after the 19th, but we will continue, regardless.
The CRTC meeting in July was very successful. We needed the CRTC to approve our program for the Canadian Content Development Tax Credits: this is the only way to get private money, if broadcasters can get tax credits by participating in the DCI. Broadcasters are obliged to spend a certain amount on Canadian content development – by law. The CRTC loved the program, and we have the official letter of tax accreditation for the project.
In the interim, we continue to do more research, to establish a sense of the economic impact of specialized music in Canada (larger than you think!) and to make comparisons with music dissemination and support amongst other G7 countries (as you can imagine, Canada is very near the bottom). This research will be important for our upcoming meetings.
This month (October), we begin setting appointments with private funders to present the proposal and, soon after the election, we return to our discussion with Canadian Heritage. This is still a very big, very ambitious project, but CNMN is seen as playing the critical, leadership role in this all-important community project.
I have no idea where this will go, but so far the journey has been very interesting and useful in terms of building a common cause. October 19th….we’ll see!
Tim Brady – October 2015
Please contact Tim Brady for more information
Members: Jennifer Waring & Kyle Brenders (Co-Chairs), Jesse Stewart, Stacey Brown, Stefani Truant, Lori Burns – more info
Preliminary planning began in 2014, but efforts were launched in earnest with a meeting in Ottawa at the University of Ottawa School of Music on June 26, 2015 with our partners on the ground and CNMN steering committee members, both in person and through skype. There the framework for FORUM 2016 was established – UofO as the main site with concerts at the NAC, the Mercury Lounge in Byward Market, and another venue TBA.
The theme of FORUM 2016 is New Music and the Mainstream – an examination not only of the relationship of new music to mainstream music, but to mainstream society. This FORUM follows the structure of Calgary’s FORUM 2014, but attendees will find new recognition of the importance of improvised music within new music.
The FORUM will be packed with lots of interesting events: panel discussions featuring a wide range of guests (and some real surprises), portrait sessions, networking sessions and lunches, and much more. Also in the works are a demonstration performance by Mud Lake Symphony (middle school students led by Jesse Stewart), and an open rehearsal of pieces by UofO composition students (Thirteen Strings led by Kevin Mallon). The very successful FORUM open Call for Proposals has garnered high quality and innovative programming. We’d like to sincerely thank all the applicants as well as the independent national jury, composed of a diverse group of new music professionals, for their thoughtful participation.
We’ll be able to take in some great new music performances thanks to our partners who are producing evening concerts during the FORUM: Carleton University’s School for Studies in Art and Culture in collaboration with the Ottawa New Music Creators (a programme of improvised works featuring Pauline Oliveros) and the National Arts Centre Orchestra (with Music Director Alexander Shelley and including a premiere by John Estacio, as well as a second chamber concert featuring musicians of the NAC Orchestra).
We’d love to reveal more, but until all our funding results come in we have to resist officially announcing the rest of the elements – instead we leave you with bated breath! Please continue to check our website for updates.
Finally, we’re pleased to announce that Geof Holbrook has been brought on board to work on production, promotion and technical direction of FORUM 2016.
We’re excited. Make plans now to be part of FORUM 2016, too, January 14–17, in Ottawa. Visit our online support letter page for ideas on how to get there.
Jennifer Waring
Co-chair, FORUM 2016 Steering Committee
Members: Stacey Brown (Chair), Louise Campbell, Jérôme Blais
The goal of the Language Committee is to support CNMN in maintaining its commitment to bilingualism, by promoting awareness of language issues, assisting from time to time with minor translation needs and, every two years, fulfilling various kinds of language facilitation roles at our national FORUMS (for a recent example, see FORUM 2014). Committee members are invited to reflect on ways in which we can facilitate communications in both official languages and continue building a national network that can really “speak” to all our members.
Through the 2014–15 season, we as a committee have continued to work behind the scenes for CNMN, responding to small translation requests as they arise and beginning to consider language facilitation needs and solutions for FORUM 2016 in Ottawa.
This committee is actively seeking members who might be interested in participating in any of the above discussions and activities. We are also continuing to build a list of members who are willing to occasionally assist with some volunteer translation towards their mother tongue (English, or French).
Why join the CNMN language committee? Here is what one of our committee members, Louise Campbell, responds: “Because both music and language come from the same source: listening and communication. We have the grassroots resources in the CNMN to make sure all our members can listen, speak and participate in the official language of their choice, and I want to do what I can to encourage that. Besides, languages are just plain fun!”
Questions? Thinking about getting involved in the Language Committee? We’d love to hear your ideas!
Please contact Stacey Brown for more information
Members: Louise Campbell (Chair), Tawnie Olson and Jennifer Waring
The CNMN Public Engagement Committee was formed in the 2012–13 season. Having evolved out of the Youth Committee (2009–12), the Public Engagement Committee seeks to address the range and scope of issues regarding Public Engagement and New Music across Canada.
During the 2014–15 season, the Public Engagement Committee revised and updated the Creative Music Education Resource listing, making it available on the CNMN website. The Resource is a curated list of online resources for facilitating creative music, so that when you host a creative music class, lesson, workshop, concert etc., you have resources at your fingertips to inspire you with great ideas.
One of the mandates of the committee is to share success stories about public engagement. During the past season, the Public Engagement Committee continued to submit articles to the CNMN bulletin, highlighting exciting creative music projects that feature connecting with the Canadian public in innovative and exciting ways. As we all know, CNMN members do amazing work in public engagement. If you have or know of a project that is particularly inspiring and want to spread the word about it, contact Louise Campbell to write an article for the CNMN bulletin. Past stories have been about the John Adaskin Project, Toronto’s New Music 101, I.S.S. and the OCADU Project (see links below to all past submissions).
Activities for the 2015–16 season will include publicizing the Creative Music Education Resource listing to pertinent organizations beyond the New Music community (e.g. teachers associations etc.) and continuing to share success stories in public engagement. If you have ideas about who we should contact, let us know.
We welcome more committee members! We need people from across the country to pitch in, give their two cents worth, and give us a Canada-wide perspective. If you want to join the Public Engagement Committee, we want your ideas!
The CNMN and Circuit, musiques contemporaines have partnered to provide CNMN membersaccess to a significant discount subscription rate toCircuit, as well as one free issue of the magazine. Find out more here!
Since May 2015, CNMN’s membership has grown by 10members. More members in our network means stronger representation and connection for our community. We warmly welcome all our new members, and we hope this marks the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful collaboration.
The new members are listed below, many of which have web sites for further information. We also hope all our members get a chance to check each other out – you can access a full list of members on our web site, viewable by category, region or name.
We sent out membership invoices by email in September. Membership dues for the 2015–2016 period are still coming in. Did you receive your invoice? For those who haven’t paid yet, you can settle your dues by cheque through the mail, or by credit card (PayPal) on our web site. It is greatly appreciated. Another incentive — members who have settled 2015–16 dues receive a significant discount on the FORUM 2016 registration fee.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Step 2
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Étape 1
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.
Étape 2
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.