25th edition CNMN Bulletin – March 2018


Table of Contents


CNMN wel­comes Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Ter­ri Hron

FORUM 2018 –Reg­is­tra­tion is open!

CNMN @ ISCM World New Music Days 2017

Reports from the CNMN Com­mit­tees, Decem­ber 2017

Wel­come New Members!

Want to get to know Circuit?
Mem­ber­ship Dues 2017–2018
Open a space for CNMN
Mem­bers’ Cor­ner – How to Submit


25th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin – March 2018

  • CNMN welcomes Executive Director, Terri Hron


    Ter­ri Hron brings a wealth of skills, expe­ri­ence, and tal­ents to CNMN’s new­ly cre­at­ed Exec­u­tive Direc­tor posi­tion. Ter­ri is an insight­ful leader whose pas­sion for bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er is a per­fect fit with CNM­N’s man­date. We wel­come Ter­ri’s com­mit­ment to a more equi­table new music com­mu­ni­ty and look for­ward to work­ing togeth­er with her on achiev­ing the community’s goals. At this impor­tant mile­stone, we thank Emi­ly Hall for her admin­is­tra­tive work over the years, and acknowl­edge the vital sup­port of our oper­at­ing fun­ders in mak­ing the new ED posi­tion pos­si­ble: the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts and the SOCAN Foundation. 
    — Jen­nifer War­ing & Juli­et Palmer, CNMN Board


    March 13, 2018

    Dear CNMN Members,

    Four months have gone by since I took this posi­tion and I feel I am just start­ing to ori­ent myself in what the net­work has been, what it has achieved, what the mem­bers might need from our com­mu­ni­ty and what I can do to help facil­i­tate that.

    I have met with a few of you at the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing in Mon­tre­al, and then more in Hal­i­fax, Edmon­ton, Toron­to and Van­cou­ver. I am lis­ten­ing to every­one’s ideas and con­cerns as well as ask­ing advice about the var­i­ous CNMN resources, projects and man­date. I encour­age you all to send me your feed­back.

    I have start­ed work­ing close­ly with our new book­keep­er, Math­ieu Leclair, to make the best use of the increase in funds from the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts. This increase has, among oth­er things, made the cre­ation of my posi­tion pos­si­ble, and is the result of won­der­ful efforts by the Board, Emi­ly Hall and Cléo Pala­cio-Quintin and so many others.

    For the moment, my every­day con­cerns have cen­tered around FORUM 2018 plan­ning. I am so excit­ed about the line-up of guests, cho­sen by our steer­ing com­mit­tee and the jury of the Open Call. They all rep­re­sent such excit­ing work being done in Cana­da (with a few voic­es from abroad), while the pan­els ask broad ques­tions for a wide coun­try and practice.

    My hope going for­ward is that I can help CNMN in its man­date to improve our knowl­edge of and access to oth­ers, and that our com­mu­ni­ty can tune the def­i­n­i­tion of new music into an expan­sive and wel­com­ing practice.

    Please do not hes­i­tate to be in touch.

    All best,


    pho­to Jus­tine Latour

    back to 25th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin – March 2018

  • FORUM 2018 — Registration is open!

    FORUM 2018: Entr’arts / Between the Arts

    May 17 & 18, 2018 – Victoriaville

    May 19 & 20, 2018 – Montreal

    Cana­di­an New Music Net­work presents this 8th edi­tion in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Fes­ti­val Inter­na­tion­al de Musique Actuelle de Vic­to­ri­av­ille (FIMAV), the Depart­ment of Music at Con­cor­dia University’s Fac­ul­ty of Fine Arts and Groupe Le Vivi­er.

    Find more info on the FORUM main page.


    Registration is open!

    Consult the schedule

    Check out the Featured Guests

    Get ready for the Discussions & Activities

    See you soon!

    Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018

  • CNMN at the ISCM World New Music Days 2017

    ISCM_logoCNMN had a pres­ence at the ISCM’s World New Music Days in Van­cou­ver this past Novem­ber (a great event mount­ed by ISCM Cana­di­an Sec­tion and Music on Main.)  There, as part of the “Awe­some Talks” series host­ed by the CBC’s Paulo Pietropaulo, we revealed pre­lim­i­nary find­ings of CNMN’s first-ever for­mal sur­vey Path­ways to a Life in New Music. Pre­sen­ters of our actu­al­ly pret­ty awe­some data were Jen­nifer War­ing (CNMN Pres­i­dent), Mary Ingra­ham (Musi­col­o­gy Pro­fes­sor and Direc­tor of the Sound Stud­ies Ini­tia­tive, Uni­ver­si­ty of Alber­ta), and Ross War­ing (Pres­i­dent, Vivid­da­ta Visu­al­iza­tion).  (In addi­tion to prime research part­ners CNMN and UofA, the study was con­duct­ed with the par­tic­i­pa­tion of the Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre and the Cana­di­an League of Composers.)

    We won’t go into study results here as they will soon be avail­able on CNMN’s web­site, and are also slat­ed for elec­tron­ic pub­li­ca­tion by a music jour­nal.  But some of the find­ings that we pre­sent­ed in Van­cou­ver were tru­ly sur­pris­ing.   So much so that Paulo Pietropaulo includ­ed them in the open­ing essay of his week­ly Sun­day CBC broad­cast.  Inter­est in the find­ings also led to a live­ly ses­sion lat­er in World New Music Days where peo­ple were invit­ed by analytics/data visu­al­i­sa­tion spe­cial­ist Ross War­ing to explore the data through inter­ac­tive visualisation.

    As net­work­ing is what CNMN is all about, CNMN board mem­bers in atten­dance made the most of the net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty at WNMD’s.  (Beside Jen­nifer War­ing, and of course WNMD’s Artis­tic Direc­tor David Pay, board mem­bers at the event includ­ed Juli­et Palmer, Po Yeh, Jen­nifer But­ler, Clemens Merkel and Megu­mi Masa­ki.)  Con­tacts made there have helped shape the com­ing FORUM 2018 in Mon­tre­al and Victoriaville.

    Jen­nifer War­ing, president

    Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018

  • Annual Reports – AGM 2017

    MeetingImageWhat are com­mit­tees and who is on them? Since 2009, var­i­ous com­mit­tees have formed, some­times on a casu­al basis, some­times on a more con­tin­u­ous basis. They exist to focus-in on par­tic­u­lar issues – around areas of con­cern for the new music com­mu­ni­ty at large (such as the Pub­lic Engage­ment Com­mit­tee and the Dig­i­tal Con­tent Ini­tia­tive) or CNMN in par­tic­u­lar (such as the Offi­cial Lan­guages Com­mit­tee). Or, they can be based around a par­tic­u­lar upcom­ing activ­i­ty (such as the FORUM 2018 Steer­ing Com­mit­tee). Any­one can be on a com­mit­tee, but one rep­re­sen­ta­tive from the Board of Direc­tors (see our web site) is required. Mem­bers can pro­pose oth­er com­mit­tees to a mem­ber of the board.

    The fol­low­ing reports were deliv­ered at our Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing on Decem­ber 4, 2018 at Le Vivi­er in Montreal.

    Pres­i­den­t’s Report
    Sur­vey 2017 Project Report
    Dig­i­tal Con­tent Ini­tia­tive (DCI) Report
    FORUM 2018 Steer­ing Com­mit­tee Report
    Tour­ing Net­work Com­mit­tee Report
    Equi­ty & Diver­si­ty Com­mit­tee Report
    Offi­cial Lan­guages Com­mit­tee Report
    Pub­lic Engage­ment Com­mit­tee Report

    Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018

  • Welcome New Members – March 2018

    Since June 2017, CNMN’s mem­ber­ship has grown by 26 mem­bers. More mem­bers in our net­work means stronger rep­re­sen­ta­tion and con­nec­tion for our com­mu­ni­ty. We warm­ly wel­come all our new mem­bers, and we hope this marks the begin­ning of a long-last­ing and fruit­ful collaboration.

    The new mem­bers are list­ed below, many of which have web sites for fur­ther infor­ma­tion. We will be improv­ing our data­base access soon, so that every­one can search for each oth­er more eas­i­ly. Stay tuned!

    New Voting Members

    Matthew Beck­er ON http://matthewbecker.ca/
    Anny Go QC http://annygo.org
    Ter­ri Hron QC http://www.birdonawire.ca

    New Supporting Members

    Mar­garet Bark­man ON
    Clemente Cuevas QC
    Bren­da Cle­niuk SK
    Simon Côté-Lapointe QC http://simoncotelapointe.com/
    Suzu Enns MB
    Axel Fisch QC http://axelfisch.wixsite.com/axelfisch
    Gilles Fres­nais QC http://www.centremusique.ca/fr/node/131278
    India Gai­ley QC https://indiayeshe.com/
    Vic­to­ria Gib­son BC http://vixmedia.ca/wp/
    Robert Hess ON
    Sil­via Hinz http://www.sylviahinz.com/
    Tanya Kalmanovitch http://www.tanyakalmanovitch.com/
    Johnathon Kwiss­es AB https://www.kwisses.ca/
    Adam Langille NS http://adamlangille.com/
    Ros­gard Lin­gards­son
    Ter­rill Maguire ON http://terrillmaguire.com
    David Nadeau QC https://soundcloud.com/david-nadeau-421485242
    Ofer Pelz QC http://oferpelz.com/
    Jean-François Primeau QC http://jfprimeau.com
    Lau­rie Sevi­gny-Cou­ture QC
    John Strieder http://www.johnstrieder.com/
    Ida Ton­i­na­to QC http://www.idatoninato.com/
    Jacob Wilkins ON
    Cather­ine Wilshire ON

    Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018

  • Want to get to know Circuit?

    CNMN - pub_Circuit_Mars2018

    The CNMN and Cir­cuit, musiques con­tem­po­raines, con­tin­ue their part­ner­ship to pro­vide CNMN mem­bers access to a sig­nif­i­cant dis­count sub­scrip­tion rate to Circuit.

    The Cir­cuit col­lec­tion includes issues address­ing a wide range of sub­jects, from com­pos­er bios to pol­i­tics, aes­thet­ic and com­po­si­tion­al crafts­man­ship ques­tions. Here are a few exam­ples of spe­cif­ic issue topics :

    • “Réflex­ions sur le méti­er de com­pos­i­teur: Iden­tité et sin­gu­lar­ités” (27.1; 2017)
    • “Musiques aux lim­ites de l’image: Images at the Lim­its of Music” (26.3; 2016)
    • “Tzadik: L’esthétique discographique de John Zorn” (25.3; 2015)
    • “Con­tenir le sonore: Les nou­veaux pro­fils de la nota­tion” (25.1; 2015)
    • “La musique con­tem­po­raine d’hier à demain” (20.1–2; 2010)
    • “Pio­nniers cana­di­ens de la lutherie élec­tron­ique” (19.3; 2009)
    • “Com­pos­er au féminin” (19.1; 2009)

    Want to get to know Cir­cuit? Check out the col­lec­tion www.revuecircuit.ca/collection or sub­scribe now! To use your CNMN dis­count, please send an email to info@revuecircuit.ca.

    Spe­cial sub­scrip­tion dis­count | CNMN mem­bers can sub­scribe to vol. 27 (2016) or vol. 28 (2017) at a spe­cial rate of $20 for the first year of their sub­scrip­tion, and then $33 (equiv­a­lent to a stu­dent sub­scrip­tion rate) for the sub­se­quent years.

    About | Cir­cuit pub­lish­es three issues (one vol­ume) each year. Designed as both an art mag­a­zine and a means for aes­thet­ic reflec­tion, it is intend­ed for every­one who is con­cerned by the chal­lenges of con­tem­po­rary musi­cal and artis­tic cre­ation. Estab­lished in 1989 by Lor­raine Vail­lan­court, founder and artis­tic direc­tor of the Nou­v­el Ensem­ble Mod­erne (in res­i­dence at the Uni­ver­sité de Mon­tréal), and Jean-Jacques Nat­tiez, inau­gur­al edi­tor, Cir­cuit pub­lish­es French and Eng­lish arti­cles, papers and reports about con­tem­po­rary music out­put in Que­bec, North Amer­i­ca and beyond.

    Don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us for more information!


    Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018

  • From our members: Digital Strategies for Musicians

    irmc_logoThe Insti­tute for Research in Music and Com­mu­ni­ty (IRMC) at Bran­don Uni­ver­si­ty invites par­tic­i­pa­tion in Dig­i­tal Strate­gies for Musicians—May 2–4, 2018. This con­fer­ence is designed to help musi­cians in all gen­res con­nect with their audi­ence in the dig­i­tal world. Build­ing your web­site, man­ag­ing social media and pro­duc­ing effec­tive video con­tent will all be cov­ered, as will dis­cus­sions about trav­el­ling with gear, dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing and var­i­ous options for pro­duc­tion funding.
    The keynote speak­er will be Adri­an Fung, who has been fea­tured in For­tune mag­a­zine among the Best and Bright­est Exec­u­tive MBAs and as one of Musi­cal America’s 30 Inno­va­tors of the Year. He is also a cel­e­brat­ed cel­list and Asso­ciate Dean at Uni­ver­si­ty of Oklahoma’s Weitzen­hof­fer Fam­i­ly Col­lege of Fine Arts.  Oth­er pre­sen­ters will include: Michael Mor­reale (Direc­tor of Dig­i­tal Con­tent, Toron­to Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra), Elise Roller (Man­i­to­ba Music), Stephen Car­roll (Man­i­to­ba Film and Music), Gra­ham Street and Male­na Gon­za­lez (Inter­ac­tive Media Arts, Assini­boine Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege), as well as T. Patrick Carrabré, Scott Howarth and Megu­mi Masa­ki (IRMC, Bran­don University).
    All ses­sions will take place in the School of Music, Bran­don Uni­ver­si­ty. Reg­is­tra­tion is $79, $59 for Man­i­to­ba Music mem­bers and $39 for students.
    Con­fer­ence details avail­able at https://irmc.ca/digital-strategies-for-musicians/

  • Membership Dues 2017–18

    We sent out mem­ber­ship invoic­es by email in Sep­tem­ber. Mem­ber­ship dues for the 2017–2018 peri­od are still com­ing in. Did you receive your invoice? For those who haven’t paid yet, you can set­tle your dues by cheque through the mail, or by cred­it card (Pay­Pal) on our web site. It is great­ly appreciated.

    If you have any ques­tions, feel free to con­tact us.


    Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018

  • Open a space for CNMN

    We have an ad – do you have pro­mo­tion­al space? Please help spread the word about the Cana­di­an New Music Net­work. Be it through print or online, any oppor­tu­ni­ty you have to con­tribute is appreciated.

    Down­load the AD (Eng­lish or French) in the media sec­tion of our web site.

    CNMN-RCMN Membership ad EN JPG
    Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018

  • Members’ Corner – How To Submit