Table of Contents
Introducing the new CNMN Board of Directors 2016 — 2018
FORUM 2016 OTTAWA Wrap-up
Souvenirs of FORUM 2016
Touring Network Meetings January 2016
The Virtual MegaBand
Reports from the CNMN Committees, June 2016:
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – June 2016
The Language Committee Report – June 2016
Public Engagement Committee Report – June 2016
Want to get to know Circuit?
Welcome New Members – June 2016
CNMN Needs You – Now!
Members’ Corner:
A Canadian Deep Listening Retreat, August 2016
PIVOT: a mentorship program for Canadian composers
ISCM World New Music Days 2017 – Save The Date!
New Album Release: Thought and Desire
22nd edition CNMN Bulletin – June 2016
Introducing the new CNMN Board of Directors 2016 — 2018
The results are in! The new board will be welcomed at our 2016 AGM this fall, but we wanted everyone to hear the great news before then.
Our board composition grows by three seats this mandate: a second seat for the B.C. region and two new seats specifically for non-regional representation. Thanks go to the 15 self-nominees for participating. We would like to welcome back our members who are returning for another mandate, as well as eight new members.
We would like to generously thank the following outgoing board members: Kyle Brenders, Stacey Brown, Louise Campbell, Jim Montgomery and Heidi Ouellette. Your commitment and energy has made CNMN a vibrant supporter of new music in the Canadian landscape.
Note: Jennifer Waring has taken on the position of Interim President!
Atlantic Canada
- Norman Adams – Cellist, improviser, artistic director – SuddenlyLISTEN Music – Halifax (NS)
- Jérôme Blais – Composer, professor of music, Dalhousie – Halifax (NS)
- Sarah Albu – Vocalist, improviser, sound artist – Montréal
- Tim Brady – Composer and performer, director – Bradyworks– Montréal
- Marc-Olivier Lamontagne – Guitarist, artistic director – Codes d’accès – Montréal
- Kathryn Ladano – Artistic director — NUMUS concerts, bass clarinettist, improviser, educator, new music performer – Kitchener
- Juliet Palmer – Composer & artistic director, Urbanvessel – Toronto
- Jennifer Waring – Co-founder and past artistic director – Continuum – Dundas
- Alain Perron – Composer, professor of music – University of Regina – Regina (SK)
- Megumi Masaki – Performer, improviser, educator – Brandon
Alberta and the Northern Territories
- Po Yeh – Administrator – Honens, New Works Calgary, Land’s End Ensemble – Calgary
British Columbia
- Jennifer Butler – Composer, past-president, Canadian League of Composers – Vancouver (BC)
- David Pay – Artistic director – Music on Main – Vancouver
Non-Regional Representatives
- Sean Clarke – Composer, performer, educator – Calgary/Ottawa
- Emily Doolittle – Composer – Glasgow, UK/Halifax
Direct link: Introducing the new CNMN Board of Directors 2016–18
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
FORUM 2016 OTTAWA Wrap-up
Photo credit: Curtis Perry. (1) Jesse Stewart, Ellen Waterman, Koen Kaptijn, Gayle Young, Pauline Oliveros, Ione, Raphael Weinroth-Browne, Lang Tung. (2) Mud Lake Symphony : students from the Regina Street Public School, Jesse Stewart, dir.
From January 14–17, 2016, CNMN hosted its seventh national / international FORUM, this time at the School of Music at the University of Ottawa.
Reaching a total of 129 registrants, many extraordinary members of the new music community presented, listened, discovered, discussed and debated. A room full of creative people is bound to generate new activity. Despite the so-far short gestation period, attendees have already informed us of several concrete projects materializing out of connections made at the FORUM, and there are undoubtedly many more to come.
Guests and speakers were from a broad spectrum of the musical practice, including experimental jazz, noise, installation, and forms without easy titles. There were a total of 49 programmed individuals: 1 keynote speaker – doyenne of new music improvisation, Pauline Oliveros, 5 high-profile internationals and 43 of Canada’s most important new music professionals from across the country.
Also deserving a mention, the Call for Proposals garnered such a high quality and innovative programming potential that many of them were integrated into the programming, representing 38% of the featured guests.
FORUM 2016 started on Thursday evening with a “show-and-tell” icebreaker. After Friday morning’s formal welcome by Shannon Chief of the Algonquin nation, everyone was ready to dive right in.
The activities promoted connecting, and the sort of in-depth, exciting discussion that leads to collaboration and exchange:
- 1 keynote, 6 panels, 10 other activities (mini-talks, workshops, dialogues and demonstrations) and 3 open networking & community development sessions.
- 2 education-themed activities: a demonstration performance by Mud Lake Symphony (middle school students led by Jesse Stewart), and an open rehearsal of pieces by uOttawa composition students (Thirteen Strings led by Kevin Mallon).
- 10 portraits of organizations from across Canada, the UK and the Netherlands.
The theme was New Music and the Mainstream. The goal was to tackle the issues of ghettoization of new music: the relationship between creative music in the “classical stream” and other creative musics in a time when distinctions are becoming blurred and traditional labels are becoming meaningless.
These issues ultimately triggered a major thread of discussion throughout the FORUM: diversity – of practice and practitioner. Diversity was high on our agenda, as it was too on the agenda of the Prime Minister; only a few days later he stated at the the World Economic Forum in Davos, “Diversity isn’t just sound social policy. Diversity is the engine of invention.” The CNMN’s FORUM 2016 was a testament to how the new music community often mirrors the same relevant issues challenging larger society. The FORUM’s role as an outlet – a think tank, a Launchpad – to help the new music community be an effective force to address these issues, was made ever the more clear.
Indeed, FORUM 2016’s focus on the place of new music in society combined with the clear concern of participants with issues of inclusivity and diversity demonstrate that CNMN’s societal antennae are working and that this community can and will contribute to and influence the larger society for the greater good. But this is no news. As Pauline Oliveros said in her keynote speech (paraphrasing), “Go out, all you artists, and make positive change happen.”
This gathering of the new music community has become integral to the structure and culture of new music in Canada.
The extraordinary good will, the courage to be honest, and the skill at being sensitive to other viewpoints and realities were extremely evident amongst the participants at the FORUM. The concentrated experience of this dynamic is the kind of thing that can help improve the culture of how we do new music.
The FORUM 2016 team, many volunteer-based, deserve a great big thank you. Thanks also go to all the funders as well as our partners who contributed high-level musical performances for each of the 3 nights of the FORUM, many of which performed to a full house.
Read what others had to say: Souvenirs from FORUM 2016.
Planning for FORUM 2018 begins soon.
~ Jennifer Waring, Kyle Brenders and Emily Hall
Direct link: FORUM 2016 OTTAWA Wrap-up
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
Souvenirs from FORUM 2016
Thank you to everyone who shared a FORUM 2016 experience with us!
Do you have a FORUM 2016 experience to share? If you would like to support the continuation of these FORUMs, we would love to hear feedback from you. Whether it’s a couple of words, a few sentences, or more, about any aspect of the FORUM, your feedback and testimonials will help tremendously with our reporting and future planning. Please email admin@reseaumusiquesnouvelles.ca
From Sonia Stevenson, Artistic Director, Lichfield Festival & St Andrews Voices, UK:
The range of topics covered, the diversity and wealth of experience of those attending, and the excellent organisation of the hosts made for a truly inspiring few days. I came away inspired and invigorated.
From Joe Bates, Artistic Director of Filthy Lukre, UK:
I found [FORUM 2016] inspiring, useful and fun. The quality of discussion was consistently high and combined with an open atmosphere that allowed participants to easily network and have in depth conversations. That this was possible for somebody with no pre-existing network, like myself, is a testimony to the openness of the forum and the friendliness of the members. It has also yielded practical results. The conference was sophisticated in its discussion of diversity and inclusion due to the readily apparent efforts taken by its organisers. I have returned to the UK with a set of clearly defined actions to take and the links to evidence their efficacy. This will help both my organisation and the communities we serve.
From Frank Horvat, composer/pianist, Toronto:
I regularly attend many music conferences … [FORUM 2016] was a breath of fresh air to be surrounded by attendees who feel equally as passionate about maintaining their creative voice as getting audiences to hear it.
From Curtis Perry, Ottawa New Music Creators:
FORUM 2016 provided indispensible discussion about such wide-ranging issues as marketing, presentation, attending to diverse programming with sensitivity, effective community engagement, and more. I learned about the experiences of organizers, artists, and other professionals from across Canada and abroad that I will be carrying forward as an integral part of my professional development. There is no doubt in my mind that CNMN’s FORUM 2016 was a seminal and invigorating event that further strengthened the standards of professionalism, in all its attendant meanings, for all involved in this artistic practice that we call new music.
From Susanna Eastburn, Chief Executive, Sound and Music, UK:
It was wonderful to be … part of such good quality of debate. I met some great contacts and … am confident that it will lead to further exchanges and cooperative activities for all of us.
From Sean Clarke, Composer & Performer, Calgary/Ottawa:
I didn’t have much experience with the CNMN beforehand but found the discussions, panels and presentations very rewarding and thought provoking. By the end of the weekend I was inspired and impressed by the organization and motivated to become more involved. It’s great to have a network like this that’s so committed to Canadian new music in all its forms.
From Ellen Waterman, musician and professor, Memorial University, Newfoundland:
I was inspired by the stimulating discussions about diversity at FORUM 2016. It was truly a thought provoking conference and left me very encouraged and refreshed about the prospects for new music in Canada.
From Laura Kavanaugh & Ian Birse, Instantplaces, Hull:
As independent artists we welcomed the chance to meet face-to-face with people we have been in contact with long-distance. We caught up with old friends and made some new ones! By inviting Pauline Oliveros and Ione as special guests, the CNMN showed us an openness to artists who embrace hybridity and experimentation and embody new-world ways of working/feeling/being.
From Henk Heuvelmans, Director of Gaudeamus Muziekweek, Utrecht:
Though many of the topics of [FORUM 2016] are similar to the ones we discuss in our part of the world, it was really special to experience how some things are very different in Canada, not only because of the size of the country but especially because of the different history. [It was] good to feel lots of energy to move forward in existing and new co-operations.
From Scott Good, composer • performer — Toronto:
I found the FORUM 2016 to be a very useful and fun event to attend and participate. The rigorous pace, variety of speakers, and general friendly tone were conducive to the spirit of networking and newness. I’m very pleased to have gone.
From Véronique Lacroix, Artistic Director, Ensemble contemporain de Montréal (ECM+):
The FORUM 2016 was very well organized, extremely constructive and participative. The perfect meeting place for Canada’s new music community.
From Mary Kenedi, pianist, Toronto:
[FORUM 2016] was really informative, exciting and provided great opportunities for networking. … I found the whole experience intellectually stimulating, lifting one out of the everyday struggles in this difficult area of cultural life.
From Monica Pearse, Artistic Director, Toy Piano Composers, Toronto:
[FORUM 2016 was] a fantastic place to connect and reconnect with some of the top professionals in new music. A great platform for discussing issues and ideas. Getting to meet so many people from across the country is a real privilege. I also love how the networking feels more natural than at more showcase‑y events.
Direct link: Souvenirs of FORUM 2016
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
Touring Network Meetings January 2016
During FORUM 2016 Ottawa, Kyle Brenders chaired a number of meetings with over 20 members of the new music community, with the intention of developing a touring network.
The attendees represented a diverse spectrum of regions and stylistic genres, as well as the different roles implicated (performer, agent, producer, etc.):
- Moderator: Kyle Brenders – Composer • Performer • CNMN board – Toronto ON
- Mark Segger – Composer • Improviser • Performer – Edmonton AB
- Po Yeh – New Works Calgary • Land’s End Ensemble • CNMN board – Calgary AB
- DB Boyko – Western Front New Music – Vancouver BC
- David Pay – Music on Main • ISCM World New Music Days 2017 • CNMN board – Vancouver BC
- Elliot Britton – GroundSwell – Winnipeg MB
- Luke Nickel – Cluster Festival – Winnipeg MB
- Norm Adams – suddenlyLISTEN Music • CNMN board – Halifax NS
- Darcy Spidle — OBEY Convention – Halifax NS
- David Dacks – Music Gallery – Toronto ON
- Ben Dietschi – Spectrum Music – Toronto ON
- Andrew Kwan – Artist Manager – Toronto ON
- Monica Pearce – Toy Piano Composers – Toronto ON
- Nilan Perera – Sonic Explorer & Improviser – Toronto ON
- Tim Brady – Bradyworks • CNMN board – Montreal QC
- Isak Goldschneider – Innovations en concert – Montreal QC
- Véronique Lacroix – ECM+ – Montréal QC
- Alissa Cheung – Quatuor Bozzini – Montréal QC
- Clemens Merkel – Quatuor Bozzini – Montréal QC
- Craig Pedersen – Improviser – Montréal QC
- Jennifer Waring – CNMN board – Dundas ON
- Henk Heuvelmans – Gaudeamus Muziekweek – Utrecht NL
- Susanna Eastburn – Sound and Music – London UK
Discussions began by introducing what people around the table were doing, how they were touring (or bringing in tours), what kind of touring funding they received (directly or indirectly), their successes and their challenges.
The discussion quickly showed a real need to build a stronger facilitation for national touring for our community, with the primary goal being to create a stronger national presence for new music.
Among the group, discussions were very frank and honest, and this made the initiative even more valuable. Within the 20 people in discussion, the conversation easily split along stylistic and ideological lines.
Consequently, the discussion showed that the topic of national touring is one that needs to be discussed on a larger scale, with a larger cross section of the network involved, in order to properly take into consideration the contrasting views within our milieu.
Next Steps
The conclusion was to first work on building visibility for members of the network as they tour across the country. Brainstorming included the idea of CNMN to create a small fund, with a simple application process, that will provide a token amount of money under the condition that the tour recognized it as “sponsored by the Canadian New Music Network.” This is a simple solution that can be accomplished with little bureaucratic work and a small portion of CNMN’s budget.
In the long term, however, the project needs to grow into a larger initiative in order to address the following issues:
- How can we develop a national audience for contemporary music, through the support of a national touring network?
- How can we support a touring circuit of new music that is built around project exchanges and reciprocity instead of just “making the rounds”?
- How can we financially support national tours in order to mitigate risk due to geographical scope?
- How can we create and ensure the management of a new music touring information resource for those who are touring and those who are looking to book touring shows? (a touring database?)
- How can we create and share clearer language about what “new music” is to a broader public without diminishing the message of the music?
Direct link: Touring Network Meetings January 2016
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
The Virtual MegaBand
Part of the “Public Engagement Success Stories” series
By Louise Campbell and Geof Holbrook
Most teenagers today have grown up with digital technologies, accessing music via YouTube and sharing links through a myriad of social media. Within this context, making new music with teenagers takes on a new dimension, expanding the possibilities for how we create music, with whom, and where. Louise Campbell and Geof Holbrook collaborated with music teachers Susan Strunc of Lindsay Place High School (Pointe Claire, Qc) and Steve Dubinsky of Westwood Senior High School (Hudson, Qc) on the Virtual MegaBand, a framework that allows a large number of people to make music together regardless of where they live. Our challenge was to engage the students’ facility with both their acoustic instruments and digital devices to co-create a new video-music work for launch on YouTube.
Over the course of 14 in-class workshops, Louise and Geof led the students in a collaborative process similar to dance creation: that is, a feedback loop between improvisation and composition. In general, Louise led the students in improvisation, from which ideas were chosen to carry forward to the next workshop. Geof used these ideas to compose open scores, which Louise then used in the next workshop to generate more material through improvisation. Students then submitted audio-visual samples of their compositions, recorded on their digital devices. Using these submissions and recordings of the workshops, Geof edited the final work together:
Given the distance between the schools and their respective class schedules, the 90 students involved were never in the same room at the same time. The Virtual MegaBand truly brings teenagers together to create music using the technology of our times.
We’re always on the lookout for more success stories!
If you have heard of or participated in an initiative you have found particularly inspiring surrounding the issue of public engagement, please contact Louise Campbell – mlouisecampbell@gmail.com
Read more success stories:
Creative Music Education Online Resources
Public Engagement in Schools – Lindsay Place High School (n° 21)
Curatorial and Art Criticism students meet Continuum in The OCADU Project (n° 20)
I.S.S. Is Somebody Singing (n° 16)
Toronto’s New Music 101 (n° 16)Direct link: The Virtual MegaBand
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
Reports from the Committees — June 2016
What are committees and who is on them? Since 2009, various committees have formed, sometimes on a casual basis, sometimes on a more continuous basis. They exist to focus-in on particular issues – around areas of concern for the new music community at large (such as the Public Engagement Committee and the Digital Content Initiative) or CNMN in particular (such as the Language Facilitation Committee). Or, they can be based around a particular upcoming activity (such as the FORUM 2016 Steering Committee). Anyone can be on a committee, but one representative from the Board of Directors (see our web site) is required. Members can propose other committees to a member of the board.
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – June 2016
The Language Committee Report – June 2016
Public Engagement Committee Report – June 2016Direct link: Reports from the Committees — June 2016
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – June 2016
Tim Brady — chair — DCI — April 27, 2016
Since the CNMN DCI meeting with the Department of Canadian Heritage in November, 2015, much has happened. The project is still very much in process, but it is moving.
1) We have begun meeting with various Liberal and NDP members of parliament to get their support of the proposal. This is essential for a proposal of this size and scope. Potentially spending $3.5 million dollars of public money is a political, not a bureaucratic, decision. We understand this, and are working with elected representatives. MPs have been supportive to date.
2) On April 22, 2016, the Minister of Canadian Heritage, Mélanie Joly underlined digital technology as a KEY component to Canadian culture in a statement that announced the launch of a public consultation on the issue, starting with an online questionnaire that citizens could complete until May 20. She wants to totally update Canadian cultural infrastructure. The last time this was done was 1991!
This Minister clearly understands what things are like in 2016, so we are on the same wavelength. This will make our job considerably easier — the department has publicly stated that digital contact is a major policy issue, and that is exactly what we have been saying for 3 years (and they know this).
3) More meetings — following the Minister’s announcement on public consultations on digital technology, we have arranged for more meetings with MPs (May and June), and with high-level policy officials at the Department of Canadian Heritage officials (June). The Minister’s very public concern for digital content has made our sales job easier.
4) CBC / Radio-Can have confirmed that the increase in funding will not translate into any more specialized music on CBC/Radio-Can. We are on our own.
5) We are building new partnerships with other members of the Canadian specialized music community, such as Naxos Records.
There is a sense that, if this is to happen, it will happen in the next two years, or not. After that, the government will be in pre-election mode, cutting budgets, etc. So CNMN is pushing as hard as possible at this time to make serious progress.
Want to help? Connect with your local MPs to get their support for the DCI. Contact me for more information: tim@timbrady.ca.
Read past bulletin entries from this committee:
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – October 2015 (n° 21)
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – May 2015 (n° 20)
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Study: The Benefits of Musical Creation (n° 20)
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – Dec 2014 (n° 19)
Specialised Music Digital Content Creation Project (n° 18)Direct link: Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – June 2016
Return to full Bulletin – October 2015 -
The Language Committee Report – June 2016
Committee Members: Stacey Brown (Chair), Jérôme Blais, Louise Campbell
The goal of the Language Committee is to support CNMN in maintaining its commitment to bilingualism, by promoting awareness of language issues, assisting from time to time with minor translation needs and, every two years, fulfilling various kinds of language facilitation roles at our national FORUMS. Committee members are invited to reflect on ways in which we can facilitate communications in both official languages and continue building a national network that can really “speak” to all our members.
Our committee continues to work behind the scenes for CNMN, responding to small translation requests as they arise throughout the year. In January, committee members provided language facilitation at FORUM 2016 in Ottawa, along with the participation of staff members Emily Hall, Geof Holbrook, and Ananda Suddath, and a substantial team of volunteer language facilitators. Our sincere thanks to our volunteers: Sarah Albu, Michel Beaudry, Sandeep Bhagwati, Alissa Cheung, Bruno De Cat, Jonathan Goldman, Véronique Lacroix, Marc-Olivier Lamontagne, Suzie Leblanc, Claire Marchand, Clemens Merkel, Stephanie Moore, Fran Slingerland. A word from our FORUM 2016 Language Coordinator Louise Campbell: “For me, CNMN is a demonstration of what people can do and accomplish together when they share passion and goodwill. The readiness and generosity with which all of you jumped in with your knowledge and expertise to help everyone out is a wonderful demonstration of our community in action. Thank you once again for your help. We seriously couldn’t do it without you!”
This committee is actively seeking members who might be interested in participating in any of the above discussions and activities. We are also continuing to build a list of members who are willing to occasionally assist with some volunteer translation towards their mother tongue (English, or French).
Questions? Thinking about getting involved in the Language Committee? We’d love to hear your ideas!
For more information, please contact Stacey Brown
sb@staceybrown.caPast bulletin entries from this committee
The Language Committee Report – October 2015 (n° 21)
The Language Committee Report – May 2015 (n° 20)Direct link: The Language Committee Report – June 2016
Return to full Bulletin – October 2015 -
Public Engagement Committee Report – June 2016
Members: Louise Campbell (Chair), Tawnie Olson and Jennifer Waring
Public Engagement in the arts is a must for all of us. This committee gathers and shares information about what we as a music community do with regards to public engagement, broadening the focus to music making by, with and for people of all ages and backgrounds. Committee activities for 2015–16 included spreading Success Stories through the bulletin and plenty of discussion around Public Engagement at the Forum 2016. Thanks to the members for being part of the committee this year.
We welcome more committee members! We need people from across the country to pitch in, give their two cents worth, and give us a Canada-wide perspective. If you want to join the Public Engagement Committee, we want your ideas!
Please contact Louise Campbell for more information
mlouisecampbell@gmail.comRead more from this committee:
Creative Music Education Online Resources
The Virtual MegaBand – June 2016 (n° 22)
Public Engagement Committee Report – October 2015 (n° 21)
Public Engagement in Schools – Lindsay Place High School (n° 21)
Public Engagement Committee Report – May 2015 (n° 20)
Curatorial and Art Criticism students meet Continuum in The OCADU Project (n° 20)
Public Engagement Committee Report – Dec. 2014 (n° 19)
I.S.S. Is Somebody Singing (n° 16)
Toronto’s New Music 101 (n° 16)
Youth/Music Education Committee Reports (p. 5–6) – 13th edition (pdf)Direct link: Public Engagement Committee Report – June 2016
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
Want to get to know Circuit?
The CNMN and Circuit, musiques contemporaines, continue their partnership to provide CNMN members access to a significant discount subscription rate to Circuit, as well as a free offer.
Want to get to know Circuit? Circuit will send a FREE copy to the first 150 CNMN members who respond. Choose an issue from the collection (except out-of-print issues and vol. 25.3). Check them all out at www.revuecircuit.ca/collection. You will find, for example:
- Électrouacoustique 1 & 2 (13.1, 2002; 13.2, 2003)
- Musique in situ (17.3, 2007)
- Claude Vivier, 25 ans après (18.3, 2008)
- Stockhausen au Québec (19.2, 2009)
- Pionniers canadiens de la lutherie électronique (19.3, 2009)
- Du spirituel dans l’art ? (21.1, 2011)
- Ana Sokolovic (22.3, 2012)
- La musique des objets (23.1, 2013)
- Fausto Romitelli (24.3, 2014)
- Empreintes écologiques (25.2, 2015)
- Tzadik (25.3, 2015)
To order your free copy, simply contact info@revuecircuit.ca with your name and mailing address, and remember to specify which issue you have chosen.
Special subscription discount: CNMN members can subscribe to vol. 25 or vol. 26 at a special rate of $20 for the first year of their subscription, and then $33 for subsequent years, the equivalent to a student subscription rate.
Circuit publishes three issues (one volume) each year. Designed as both an art magazine and a means for aesthetic reflection, it is intended for everyone who is concerned by the challenges of contemporary musical and artistic creation. Established in 1989 by Lorraine Vaillancourt, founder and artistic director of the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne (in residence at the Université de Montréal), and Jean-Jacques Nattiez, inaugural editor, Circuit publishes French and English articles, papers and reports about contemporary music output in Quebec, North America and beyond.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information!
http://www.revuecircuit.ca/apropos/contact/Direct link: Want to get to know Circuit?
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
Welcome New Members – June 2016
Since May 2015, CNMN’s membership has grown by 40 members. More members in our network means stronger representation and connection for our community. We warmly welcome all our new members, and we hope this marks the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful collaboration.
The new members are listed below, many of which have web sites for further information. We also hope all our members get a chance to check each other out – you can access a full list of members on our web site, viewable by category, region or name.
Who will be the next new member?
New Voting Members
National Arts Centre Orchestra ON http://nac-cna.ca/en/orchestra Instant Places QC http://instantplaces.ca/ Sound of Dragon Music Festival, Sound of Dragon Society BC http://soundofdragon.com/ Ottawa New Music Creators ON http://www.onmc.info/ Liselyn Adams QC Ruby Kato Attwood QC Maya Badian ON http://www3.sympatico.ca/badian/ Jennifer Butler BC http://www.jenniferbutler.ca/ Sean Clarke AB Benjamin Dietschi ON http://spectrummusic.ca/ Susanna Eyton-Jones QC http://www.susannaeytonjones.com/ Jonathan Goldman QC http://www.jonathangoldman.ca/ Rachel Iwaasa BC http://www.iwaasa.com/ Mary Kenedi ON http://www.marykenedi.com/ Andrew Kwan ON Nicole Lizée QC http://www.nicolelizee.com/ Tania Miller BC http://taniamiller.com/ Jared Miller BC http://www.jaredmillermusic.com/ Quinn Redekop ON Mark Segger AB http://www.marksegger.com/ Fran Slingerland ON Scott Smallwood AB http://www.scott-smallwood.com/ New Supporting Members
Maria Atallah ON Lucian Badian ON http://www3.sympatico.ca/badian/L.B.Editions.html Bob Baker BC DJ Smartmix Berube QC Amy Brandon NS http://www.amybrandon.ca/ Abdelrahman Hassan El-Akhdar ON Ian Ferrier QC http://ianferrier.com/ Tatiana Gordeeva QC Sylvain Gravel QC D’Arcy Gray ON Alain Katako Congo https://www.facebook.com/alain.katako Kathy Kennedy QC http://www.kathykennedy.ca/ Cheldon Paterson ON http://www.slowpitchsound.com/ Patricia Reynolds ON Sevastian Sakovets NS Alice Shi ON https://soundcloud.com/mengyuan-shi Carmel Whittle ON http://www.elizabethrileyband.com/ Anders Zelinski USA https://theredandwhites.bandcamp.com/ Direct link: Welcome New Members – June 2016
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
CNMN Needs You – Now!
Membership dues for the 2015–2016 period are still coming in via online and mail. It is greatly appreciated! Those who still haven’t paid: please settle dues this month as we end our fiscal year on June 30. You can settle your dues by cheque through the mail, or by credit card (PayPal) on our web site.
Why? Read past president Tim Brady’s convincing arguments from 2013 which still ring true today.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Direct link: Membership Dues 2015–16
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
Members’ Corner — How to Submit
Want to submit to the next CNMN bulletin?
Download the Submission Guidelines available at the top of our main NEWS page:
Direct link: Members’ Corner
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
A Canadian Deep Listening Retreat, August 2016
Tree Museum Farmhouse at night, photo credit: Michel Boucher
A Canadian Deep Listening Retreat, led by Gayle Young, noted composer, performer and instrument builder, will take place from Friday, August 5 to Sunday, August 7 at The Tree Museum, near the town of Orillia, a 90-minute drive north of Toronto.
Young, an experienced Deep Listening Certificate holder, and associate of Pauline Oliveros, will facilitate retreat activities. What is deep listening? Access more info about this practice at the Deep Listening Institute web site. Young writes about Deep Listening and Oliveros, in this article (PDF — page 18).
The Tree Museum, on the shores of a lake, has sponsored many outdoor art projects over the years. In addition to a renovated farmhouse, there are large expanses of exposed granite bedrock, secluded ponds, and forest. Participants will experience changing early morning and late night soundscapes, and they will collaborate with one another and with the unique sounds and silences of this magnificent Canadian Shield ecosystem.
Cost before June 15: $225 CAD per person
Cost after June 15: $250 CAD per personIncludes vegetarian meals, use of the facility, accommodation, and instructor’s fee. Tents will be available to participants who register after the bedrooms are filled.
Contact gayleyoungworks@gmail.com for further information, and to register.
Direct link: A Canadian Deep Listening Retreat, August 2016
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
PIVOT: a mentorship program for Canadian composers
Application Deadline June 30, 2016
PIVOT is a mentorship program for early-career Canadian composers, presented by the Canadian League of Composers (CLC), in partnership with the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) and Continuum Contemporary Music. Six composers residing across Canada will work directly with–and have their music performed by–the Continuum ensemble. Participants also take part in professional development opportunities. Each participant is matched with a mentor-composer who will act as a reference for them over a six-month period to help with their creative process and guide them as they begin work on a new composition for the Continuum ensemble. The program begins Fall 2016 and culminates with a public showcase concert in Toronto on March 25, 2017.
Direct link: PIVOT
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
ISCM World New Music Days 2017 – Save The Date!
November 2–8, 2017 in Vancouver, BCFeaturing more than 25 concerts and outreach events by some of BC’s and Canada’s best musicians, the festival will be a cohesive, relevant, and daring event, and a defining moment for contemporary music in Canada.
The ISCM World New Music Days 2017 will include music from over 50 countries to make it a truly global event that helps inspire and connect people from around the world. Canadian talent will be prominent, sharing Canada’s cultural diversity, distinctive artistic practices, artistic visions and unique performances.
Composers, improvisers, and installation artists: stay tuned! The ISCM’s Call for Works will select new music from an international roster. Check back in summer 2016 for detailed guidelines, instructions on how to submit, and deadlines.
Presented by
- The International Society for Contemporary Music
- The International Society for Contemporary Music Canadian Section
- The Canadian League of Composers/La Ligue canadienne des compositeurs
- Music on Main
Direct link: ISCM World New Music Days 2017 – Save The Date!
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016 -
New Album Release: Thought and Desire
New works for solo piano by Linda Catlin Smith
Performed by Eve Egoyan
World première recordings
“…this CD celebrate[s] the poetry of sound, the musical essence of the piano and the experience of listening in fresh and moving ways. Eve and Linda have a long history of working together, and we can sense the vibrant conversation and trust that have been established between composer and pianist.” – Doina Popescu
Jointly released on Earwitness Editions, Canada, and World Edition, Germany.
www.world-edition.comDirect link: New Album Release: Thought and Desire
Return to full Bulletin – June 2016