A Canadian Deep Listening Retreat, August 2016

Deep_Listening_credit Michel Boucher

Tree Muse­um Farm­house at night, pho­to cred­it: Michel Boucher

A Cana­di­an Deep Lis­ten­ing Retreat, led by Gayle Young, not­ed com­pos­er, per­former and instru­ment builder, will take place from Fri­day, August 5 to Sun­day, August 7 at The Tree Muse­um, near the town of Oril­lia, a 90-minute dri­ve north of Toronto.

Young, an expe­ri­enced Deep Lis­ten­ing Cer­tifi­cate hold­er, and asso­ciate of Pauline Oliv­eros, will facil­i­tate retreat activ­i­ties. What is deep lis­ten­ing? Access more info about this prac­tice at the Deep Lis­ten­ing Insti­tute web site. Young writes about Deep Lis­ten­ing and Oliv­eros, in this arti­cle (PDF — page 18).

The Tree Muse­um, on the shores of a lake, has spon­sored many out­door art projects over the years. In addi­tion to a ren­o­vat­ed farm­house, there are large expans­es of exposed gran­ite bedrock, seclud­ed ponds, and for­est. Par­tic­i­pants will expe­ri­ence chang­ing ear­ly morn­ing and late night sound­scapes, and they will col­lab­o­rate with one anoth­er and with the unique sounds and silences of this mag­nif­i­cent Cana­di­an Shield ecosystem.

Cost before June 15: $225 CAD per person
Cost after June 15: $250 CAD per person

Includes veg­e­tar­i­an meals, use of the facil­i­ty, accom­mo­da­tion, and instruc­tor’s fee. Tents will be avail­able to par­tic­i­pants who reg­is­ter after the bed­rooms are filled.

Con­tact gayleyoungworks@gmail.com for fur­ther infor­ma­tion, and to register.


Direct link: A Cana­di­an Deep Lis­ten­ing Retreat, August 2016
Return to full Bul­letin – June 2016