Message from the New President, Kyle Brenders

New CNMN President Kyle Brenders

This is my first mes­sage going out to all of you as the new pres­i­dent of the net­work and I want to present you with some thoughts I’ve had about the future of CNMN.

My hope for the next few years is to con­tin­ue to grow and devel­op our orga­ni­za­tion on the path that Tim Brady has set us on. Let me pause and stress part of that last line. I real­ly want to focus that this is the OUR orga­ni­za­tion.  We are a net­work. The suc­cess of the growth and devel­op­ment of our net­work only exists if we active­ly try to con­nect with one anoth­er. The orga­ni­za­tion is designed to pro­vide for­mal spaces to meet and con­nect – such as our FORUM in 2016 and our inclu­sion as part of this year’s CAPACOA con­fer­ence. How­ev­er, where I think we can begin to become stronger is by cre­at­ing infor­mal spaces that allow us to come togeth­er. Take a look at the new list of board mem­bers in your region. Send them an email. Have a cof­fee. Get togeth­er and share what your cur­rent suc­cess­es and strug­gles are. The net­work is only as strong as its mem­bers and I hope, if any­thing, to strength­en these con­nec­tions. We all have sim­i­lar accom­plish­ments and dai­ly grinds. We can all learn from one anoth­er if we share in a spir­it of open­ness and col­le­gial­i­ty. Most impor­tant­ly send me an email, ask if I’ll be around your part of the coun­try, or just let me know how it’s going and how the orga­ni­za­tion can serve you bet­ter. Hope­ful­ly I can get a chance to meet and talk with you about the future of our organization.


Direct link: Mes­sage from the New Pres­i­dent, Kyle Brenders
Return to full Bul­letin – Decem­ber 2014