Table of Contents
-Arts Day on Parliament Hill 2012
‑CNMN Regional Meetings 2012–2013
‑FORUM 2014 in Calgary, Alberta
‑Networking the Networks: National Arts Service Organization (NASO) meeting 2012 – by Louise Campbell
‑Canada Council Change Agenda – by Louise Campbell
‑Two Big Changes at FACTOR – by Tim Brady
‑Welcome New Members
‑Did you know we’re on Facebook?
‑Two Initiatives of The Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations (CFMTA)
15th edition CNMN Bulletin – Winter 2013
Arts Day on Parliament Hill 2012
Arts Day on Parliament Hill, Oct. 23, 2012: Louise Campbell (left), MP Denis Blanchette (centre), Tam-Ca Vo Van (right), representative for the Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones. “The three of us shared an interesting and stimulating conversation,” says Campbell. “I came away with a much better understanding and faith in Canada’s democratic system — those MPs are real, live people, ready to talk about the arts and do what they can.”
Arts Day on Parliament Hill 2012
Arts supporters from coast to coast to coast – including the CNMN – gathered in Ottawa on Tuesday 23 October 2012 to meet with their Members of Parliament to discuss the key role that federal arts investment plays in the economic and social health of Canada. Building on four years of positive momentum, Arts Day 2012 saw 130 arts supporters meet with over 110 Members of Parliament, Ministers, Senators and senior officials from all parties.
Participants thanked the government for preserving investment in the Canada Council for the Arts in Budget 2012 and presented two key policy priorities for the upcoming year, as outlined in the coalition’s brief to the standing committee on finance:
- (1) That the government renew investments in the Canada Funds that it announced in 2009 (Canada Cultural Spaces Fund, Canada Arts Presentation Fund, Canada Strategic Investment Fund and Canada Arts Training Fund). Of the $120 million or so that the government invests in these programs annually, nearly $80 million (or 2/3 of the total) is coming up for renewal and it is critical that this level of funding be renewed.
- (2) That the Government of Canada maintain funding levels to the arts through the Canada Council for the Arts at $181 million in fiscal year 2013–2014.
Members of Parliament across all parties signalled their support for the Canadian Arts Coalition’s recommendations. The CNMN is part of the Canadian Arts Coalition, a collaborative non-partisan movement spearheaded by a group of national arts service, who organizes the event.
“We are delighted that Canadian New Music Network representative Louise Campbell was able to make the trip to Ottawa in order to explain the importance of federal investment in the arts from the initial moment of creation until it is shared with an audience,” said coalition co-chair Katherine Carleton. “At just over $5 per capita, the federal government’s investment supports an industry that is bigger than forestry or banking, providing jobs to well over half a million Canadians.”
Campbell, too was encouraged by the event, especially with the results the day brought, stating: “The Government of Canada implemented a clear change in policy as a result of our Day on the Hill efforts, acting to maintain the Canada Council’s budget over 3 years, when almost every GOC organization received significant cuts. Take-home message: engaging in conversation works!”
Further Resources
For more information about the Canadian Arts Coalition, please visit canadianartscoalition.com.
A Short Film from that day, where MPs share their perspective on the arts in the community, and their own personal arts experiences: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxywHTtU9Pg
Arts Day Rallies All-Party Support for Key Policy Priorities – by Shannon Litzenberger — http://www.shannonlitzenberger.com/arts-policy/archives/872
The coalition’s most recent details about Day on the Hill 2013 (from 20 Dec 2012): http://www.canadianartscoalition.com/2012/12/20/canadian-arts-coalition-plan-for-2013–2014/
From Katherine Carleton, Executive Director of Orchestras Canada:
- http://orchestrascanada.org/2012/12/19/advocacy-update‑9/
- http://orchestrascanada.org/2012/10/31/arts-day-on-parliament-hill-and-the-spirit-continues/
Direct article link: Arts Day on Parliament Hill 2012
15th edition CNMN Bulletin — Winter 2013 -
The CNMN Regional Meetings have been ongoing since December 2012. All in all, a total of 7 meetings make up this initiative, whose setup is run by the CNMN board member(s) of the region. A high priority is to make sure regional concerns and regional realities are a big part of these meetings.
The Quebec, Alberta, Atlantic and Ontario meetings have already taken place, and some initial responses are available further below.
The Manitoba Region takes its turn on March 10th, while British Columbia and Saskatchewan are still in the planning stages. Check back here as we continue to update and add to the information to each region’s event page.
Your region is still to come? We look forward to seeing you there. We also warmly welcome your colleagues — feel free to speak with them or forward these links to further information:
The Atlantic Regional Meeting took place Jan 12, 2013 in Halifax at the Dalhousie Arts Centre, during Upstream’s vibrant Open Waters Festival of new and improvised music. In an age where so much communication takes place virtually, Paul Cram, CNMN board member who attended the meeting, emphasizes how the basic act of simply coming together in-person was key: “Overall and as usual, the Atlantic Regional Meeting was a small gathering moderated by Norman Adams that brought together several distinct new music stakeholders, from here and away, to think, talk and exchange ideas. It would be fine even if no one spoke. In the words of Woody Allen, ‘Half of life is showing up.’”
The Alberta regional meeting, also on January 12, attracted a lively mix of Alberta’s new music community, with many representatives of organizations and initiatives such as: New Music Edmonton, Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts, Soundasaurus Festival, Land’s End Chamber Ensemble, Rubbing Stone Ensemble, Verisimo, New Works Calgary, Honens, Canada Music Week (CFMTA), the Canadian Association for Sound Ecology, among others.
Each organization gave an overview and update of its mandate and current programs. John Reid and Laurie Radford informed those present of plans to hold the 2014 CNMN Forum in Calgary at the University of Calgary in conjunction with its annual Happening New Music Festival.
Over lunch, delegates shared plans for upcoming seasons and discussed matters of potential future collaborations. Considerable aesthetic discussions also ensued. A good time was had by all, which augurs well for future regional planning discussions.
The Quebec Regional Meeting on December 9, 2012 brought together some very strong voices in Quebec’s new music community, hailing from a great cross-section of organisations, initiatives and ensembles such as Quasar, Le Vivier, DAME, Les Poules, Supermusique, Fiolûtröniq, SOCAN Foundation, DIM, In Extensio, among others.
Cléo Palacio-Quintin, CNMN board member in QC, chaired the meeting, with fellow board member Stacey Brown. The meeting began with a discussion centered around the “100 moments” project proposed by Sandeep Bhagwati and Karen Sunabacka during FORUM 2012. “The proposal definitely generated interest, inspiring generous and detailed input from those in attendance,” says Brown. Participants engaged in animated discussion of the project and its potential as a showcase of Canadian New Music both during and after a brief presentation by Palacio-Quintin that summarized some of the key elements of the proposal.
What followed was an energizing brainstorming session around long-term strategies for improving the dissemination and accessibility of new music, touching on such issues as Canadian Content, the development of our Canadian musical heritage, the ever-important question of funding, and the importance of Art for Art’s sake. The meeting closed with a short exchange of ideas and comments focussed on the upcoming CNMN FORUMs: Calgary in 2014 and Ottawa in 2016. All in all, an invigorating and inspiring afternoon, with fruitful discussions thanks to everyone’s thoughtful and energetic participation.
Parallel to the QC strategy meeting, CNMN and Bradyworks co-hosted a workshop on career development for young artists. The guest speakers were Tim Brady (composer, guitarist, artistic director), Jean Derome (saxophonist, composer, musique actuelle and film music), Véronique Lacroix (conductor, ECM+) and Barbara Scales (agent, Latitude 45).
“We had 23 participants, mostly CEGEP and university students, with a few young professionals as well,” says Brady. “The event was extremely successful — for 3 hours, the sense of community and communication in the room was fantastic as we all discussed a huge range of practical and philosophical issues around making new music in Canada in 2012.”
Afterwards there was an informal get-together for both CNMN and BW participants, which continued for another two hours. “In the end, the security guard had to kick us out; we were having so much fun!” says Brady.
Direct article link: CNMN Regional Meetings 2012–2013
15th edition CNMN Bulletin — Winter 2013 -
FORUM 2014 in Calgary, Alberta
CNMN’s national FORUM comes again in 2014. This time we’re very happy to be taking it to Calgary, Alberta. It’s scheduled to take place January 24 to 26, 2014 at the University of Calgary in conjunction with their Happening Festival of New Music.
More info available on the FORUM 2014 web page.
Stay tuned for lots more info as developments continue.
Important: if you would like to help, or have an idea to present, please do not hesitate to communicate with us – admin@newmusicnetwork.ca
Direct article link: FORUM 2014 in Calgary, Alberta
15th edition CNMN Bulletin — Winter 2013 -
Networking the Networks: National Arts Service Organization (NASO) meeting 2012
I represented the CNMN at the annual meeting of the National Arts Service Organization meeting held in October 2012. This meeting acts as a ‘meta-network’: arts networks from across the country gather to better understand each other’s mandates, share competencies, identify issues, team up on projects, and brainstorm directions and solutions for the future. The meeting was full of people representing organizations dedicated to helping artists and organizations do what they do, giving an extraordinary representation of the lively diversity of the Canadian arts milieu. Having attended the NASO meeting in 2010, the evolution of the meta-network was clear: the buzz in the room was that of people not just meeting for the first time, but of on-going discussions between people and organizations with things to talk about and projects underway. One small example of the meta-network in action: CNMN is now in discussion with the Association of Canadian Choral Communities to distribute CNMN’s Creative Music Resource listing to choirs across the country, providing access to choir directors and singers with lots of ideas for creative music making.
The major commonality between the NASOs is that each engages in lobbying government and industry agencies in the interest of their members, and communicates changes as they occur within these agencies to their membership. Cooperation between NASOs lends far greater weight to lobbying efforts, since the more citizens we represent, the more elected officials take notice. The main topic of conversation of the meeting was the Canada Council change agenda and what this means for artists: more on that in the next article. At the end of the day, it was clear that we’re all navigating the same waters, and working together will help us all better weather sometimes unpredictable seas.
Direct article link: Networking the Networks: National Arts Service Organization (NASO) Meeting 2012
15th edition CNMN Bulletin — Winter 2013 -
Canada Council Change Agenda
Canada Council Change Agenda
by Louise Campbell
Much of the discussion at the NASO meeting in October 2012 centered on the Canada Council Change Agenda. As we all know, this change agenda will have a significant impact on the Canadian arts community. Council took great care to situate the change agenda within the global context of accelerated change, the current government and the current Canadian arts milieu. The question at all levels of government is how to best serve the citizenry; Council is assessing how best to serve the citizenry through fulfilling it’s mandate. Council invests in professional arts practice. How best can the Canadian citizenry be served through a professional arts practice? Some of the major issues at play include public engagement, national and international market access, equity and Canada’s North.
What does this mean for the Canada Council?
Council wants an on-going dialogue with the Canadian arts community as it pursues the change agenda. This is being done through national consultations with advisory committees throughout the 2012–13 season, on-site consultations held across Canada and use of webinars and social networking tools. The goal of this dialogue is to learn where the arts community is at in terms of the artistic practice and the various perspectives on the change agenda. Modifications will be made in response to and only after these conversations take place.
Council’s understanding of their current position is that their funding envelope is stabilized, meaning no cuts or growth in base funding from GOC. In addition to undertaking a thorough assessment of the ever-evolving arts practices in Canada, Council is undertaking a major self-assessment, making significant internal changes to update and streamline their own way of operating.
Canada Council director and CEO Robert Sirman gave a personal goal of wanting to give artists more of a sense of control over their own destiny. Ultimately, Sirman feels that what happens in the arts community following the change agenda will determine if the change agenda has been successful.
What does this mean for music?
Music as a discipline was cited as being well positioned in terms of the major issues, particularly with regards to public engagement. Placing public engagement as a priority will aid Council in internal GOC politics, as it makes more clear the importance and role of public funding for the arts in serving the Canadian public.
Specific programs under review include the Operating funding and Flying Squad programs. National and International market access has received a larger funding envelope for the 2012–13 season.
While not specifically a part of the change agenda, Council is under internal pressure to strictly assess organizational efficacy and responsible use of funds. Given this pressure and the increasing competition for funds, it is important to respond to funding guidelines in a timely and appropriate manner.
Further Resources
Find more information on the change agenda on this page of the Canada Council web site, where you can download their PDF documents, such as:
- Council’s current Strategic Plan (2011–2016) – direct link (PDF)
- Council’s Discussion paper on Public Engagement in the Arts – direct link (PDF)
Read the Director’s message from Canada Council’s 11/12 Annual Report here.
Read Katherine Carleton’s take on the change agenda here.
Direct article link: Canada Council Change Agenda
15th edition CNMN Bulletin — Winter 2013 -
by Tim Brady
Change #1
Three years ago, Canadian Heritage terminated the “Specialized Sound Recording” grants program. At the time, Canadian Heritage minister James Moore said: “We already have programs in place – turn to FACTOR and Musicaction” – just don’t ask the Canada Council for the Arts anymore.
Musicaction is FACTOR’s francophone counterpart. They already had some initiatives to help record new music, but FACTOR had almost nothing.
So we started meeting with FACTOR’s president and staff in Toronto and Montreal; we invited their vice-president to our FORUM 2012; we met with MPs and the senior management at Canadian Heritage; we organized conference calls, and so on.
Now, three years later, FACTOR has added a “Specialized/Experimental” category to its structure, and they will create a jury specifically for this music. There isn’t more money for the records though, but at least the application review process has been improved. Futhermore, FACTOR is interested in sponsoring the CNMN’s next edition of FORUM, Calgary 2014. Relations between our community and FACTOR – a major grantor – have significantly improved.
They saw us as a serious interlocutor because we represent THE WHOLE community. I estimate the cost of adding 2 (crucial!) words on a form at 100 hours of work and $1,000 in travel expenses. I see it as a victory – a small one, but a victory nonetheless. So, it seems that the CNMN’s mission – to make changes for the new music community – is working out on a concrete level.
Change #2
FACTOR is changing how it funds recordings, and how submissions are evaluated.
This is an even bigger change. These changes are primarily in response to the very rapid death of the commercial music industry thanks to MP3s/iTunes/YOUTUBE (though our voices have had their effect on these issues as well). It seems that all but the biggest acts (Justin Beiber and company) are losing money — even mid-sized rock and indie bands can’t sell records or make money theses days. But this change will affect us, and possibly for the better.
- The application process is being made all paperless, much more user-friendly (multiple users), and updateable.
— Unit Sales will no longer be the only way to get money for Touring, Video and other programs
— Moving to an Artist Rating, peer-assessment system
— Funding will now be a subsidy (grant) – NOT a loanContact FACTOR for more information. We strongly suggest that you also contact FACTOR to ask to be put on the “Specialized/Experimental” music jury list – visit this page for more information.
Direct article link: Two big CHANGES AT FACTOR
15th edition CNMN Bulletin — Winter 2013 -
Welcome New Members
Since September 2012, CNMN’s membership has grown by 18 members. More members in our network means stronger representation and connection for our community. We warmly welcome all our new members, and we hope this marks the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful collaboration.
The new members are listed below, many of which have web sites for further information. We also hope all our members get a chance to check each other out – you can access a full list of members on our web site, viewable by category, region or name.
Who will be the next new member?
New Voting Members
Neutral Ground [Contemporary Art Forum] SK http://neutralground.sk.ca/ Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations Nat http://www.cfmta.org/ Kyle Brenders ON http://www.kylebrenders.ca/ Christine Jensen QC http://www.christinejensenmusic.com/ Tammy McGrath AB http://www.tammymcgrath.com/ Sylvain Poitras QC http://www.sylvainpoitras.com/ New Supporting Members
Marie-Pierre Brasset QC Sunny Choi ON Randy Clarke ON Joel Garten ON http://www.joelgarten.com/ Guy Giard QC http://maquaire.free.fr/index2.htm James Harley ON http://www.musiccentre.ca/apps/index.cfm?fuseaction=composer.FA_dsp_biography&authpeopleid=9485&by=H Adrienne Kakoullis ON http://www.hccink.com/ Frédéric Laflamme QC http://www.regardsonore.com/ Aaron Liu-Rosenbaum QC Mirko Sablich QC http://mirkosablich.wordpress.com/ Guillaume Tardif AB http://www.guillaume.tardif.com Ryan Veltmeyer NS -
Did you know we’re on Facebook?
Not a lot of activity has happened just yet on the Canadian New Music Network’s Facebook page, but in efforts to build more opportunity for you (the membership) to connect with each other, we highly encourage you to “like” our page, and we highly welcome you to post your announcements there:
Two Initiatives of The Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations (CFMTA)
We are pleased to welcome The Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations (CFMTA) as one of CNMN’s newest members.
The CFMTA has two upcoming competitions that could be of interest to you.
One is a National Essay Competition on any topic related to music teaching, pedagogy, or performance practice. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they received many submissions with a New Music interest? Deadline: May 1, 2013.
The second competition, deadline March 1, is a Call for Compositions for performance during Canada Music Week. November 17–23, 2013. There are three categories: (1) piano solo grades 3–4, (2) piano solo grades 5–6, (3) junior choral work.
Feel free to contact Po Yeh at canadamusicweek@cfmta.org for questions.
Direct article link: Two Initiatives of the Canadian Federation of Music Teacher’s Associations (CFMTA)
15th edition CNMN Bulletin — Winter 2013